scyllagroup / UmbracoFlare

This project aims to provide a basic level of service integration between Cloudflare and the open-source ASP.NET CMS Umbraco.
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
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This project aims to provide a basic level of service integration between Cloudflare and the open-source ASP.NET CMS Umbraco.

Here is the package on our umbraco.

Here is the home page for UmbracoFlare:

Install via Nuget using the command : Install-Package UmbracoFlare

What does it do?

Abilities of UmbracoFlare

Content Published Event

Everytime content is published, UmbracoFlare will check to see if UmbracoFlare is on (in the config section). If UmbracoFlare is on, we will check for the property with the alias of "cloudflareDisabledOnPublish", if this property does NOT exist, it will be treated as if the checkbox is not checked, and the cache will be purged. If this property exists, and is checked, we will ignore this piece of content and will NOT purge cloudflare for this piece of content. The scheme used to generate the url for the piece of content is umbraco.library.NiceUrlWithDomain(content.ID)). The relevant code to the Content Published event can be found here.

Media Saved

Everytime media is saved, UmbracoFlare will check to see if UmbracoFlare is on (in the config section). If UmbracoFlare is on, we will check for the property with the alias of "cloudflareDisabledOnPublish", if this property does NOT exist, it will be treated as if the checkbox is not checked, and the cache will be purged. If this property exists, and is checked, we will ignore this media and will NOT purge cloudflare for it. It is important to note that UmbracoFlare will get every crop (if you use Image Cropper) and purge the media url for each of those crops (using (IPublishedContent)publishedMedia.GetCropUrl(crop.alias)). The scheme used to generate the url for the piece of content is (IPublishedContent)publishedMedia.Url as well as the crop urls described in the previous sentence. The relevant code to the Media Saved event can be found here.

Purge from content context menu

If you right click a piece of content, you can purge the Cloudflare cache for that single piece of content (child nodes are supported). Like the content published event, we will check to make sure UmbracoFlare is on and will check for the property "cloudflareDisabledOnPublish".

Purge everything on cloudflare

In the UmbracoFlare section, you can purge everything for the current domain you are on.

Purge by url

In the UmbracoFlare section, you can purge individual urls. You may also include wildcards.

Purge static files

In the UmbracoFlare section, you can select static files to purge.


Setup Permissions

The first thing you will want to do if you don't see the UmbracoFlare section on the left hand side of umbraco is make sure that your user has permission to see it. To do this, go to the Users section, select your user from the tree, and then tick the checkbox for "UmbracoFlare". Refresh your browser.


The credentials to hookup to CloudFlare can either be changed in the /config/cloudflare.config or through the backoffice under the UmbracoFlare section.

Cloudflare rules

If you find that cloudflare caching is not working with your site. Use (or a similar tool) to determine if your server is sending your cache control header as "private". If so, you will want to update your page rules in the Cloudflare dashboard (not UmbracoFlare) to "purge everything" in the dropdown.

Mutliple root nodes / host names

UmbracoFlare supports sites with multiple root nodes and host names. UmbracoFlare uses the domains that are registered in Umbraco by right clicking a node and adding a Culture/Hostname. When purging through the context menu (right click) or by saving a piece of content, Umbracoflare will purge the cache for each culture/host name that is assigned (or inherited) to that node. When purging by url or static files, you will have the option to select what domain(s) you purge. When purging the entire site, UmbracoFlare will purge each domain that is registered with CLOUDFLARE.


UmbracoFlare writes any fatal errors to the Umbraco trace log. We rely heavily on caching to ensure that UmbracoFlare is super fast, so sometimes recycling your app pool (touching your web.config will do this) is all that you need fix a problem in UmbracoFlare.