scytherswings / Network-Status-Page

Designed to monitor a local server and network with, Plex, and pfSense integration.
MIT License
10 stars 3 forks source link

Network Status Page - 0.2.6

Designed to monitor a local server and network with, Plex, and pfSense integration.

Original Project: (The live site might be dead :( ) Live site

Plex forum thread

As a suggestion from another GitHub user, I have created some Gitter chat rooms for my projects, here is the link for this one:


I'm going to concentrate on this project much less as I plan to make a new project using Ruby on Rails. It will be a while before my new project reaches feature parity so this should work for the time being.

Here's the new project page: Plex-Board



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Note: While this project is written with OS X in mind, it can very easily be adapted to run on linux or windows by rewriting the functions that don't work on those platforms.

