sdakpsi / RushWebsite
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UCSD AKPsi Rush Website

Website for the UCSD AKPsi's 2024 rush process.

Setting Up the Project

Follow these instructions to set up the project.

Step 1: Clone the Repository

  1. Open your terminal (Command Prompt, PowerShell, or another terminal).

  2. Clone the project repository by running the following command:

    git clone
  3. If you get an error indicating that git is not recognized, you will need to install Git. Follow the instructions here: Installing Git.

Step 2: Install Project Dependencies

  1. Navigate into the project folder (it will be named after the repository)

    cd RushWebsite
  2. Run the following command to install necessary dependencies:

    npm install
  3. If you encounter issues with npm not being recognized, you may need to install Node.js and npm. You can do so here: Download Node.js.

Step 3: Verify Your Git Branch

Before running the project, check which branch you are on by running:

git branch

You should typically be on the dev branch for development work.

Step 4: Open VS Code and set up .env

  1. Open VS Code (download it if you don't have it)
  2. Open the folder called RushWebsite in VS Code
  3. Install "Prettier - Code formatter" and "ESLint" extensions in VS Code
  4. On the left, create a new file in the main directory called .env.local
  5. Get the contents from your friendly neighborhood akpsi dev

Step 5: Start the Development Server

  1. Run the following command to start the development server:

    npm run dev
  2. Once the server starts, open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000. This will allow you to see the website running locally on your machine.

Working on an Issue

There are two primary branches you should be aware of:

Step 1: Switch to the Correct Branch

When you are ready to work on an issue, switch to the correct branch, likely dev. You can do this by running:

git checkout dev

Step 2: Create a New Branch

To work on an issue, create a new branch specific to that task. An example is aj-dev-fixing-colors

git checkout -b <branch-name>

This creates a new branch and switches you to it so that you can make changes specific to your issue.

Step 3: Test Your Changes

  1. As you work, you should regularly test the changes. Run:

    npm run dev
  2. Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to make sure everything works as expected.

Step 4: Commit and Push Changes

Once you’ve finished working on your issue and verified that it works:

  1. Stage your changes by running:

    git add .
  2. Commit your changes with a message describing what you’ve done:

    git commit -m "<commit-message>"
  3. Push your changes to the repository:

    git push

Step 5: Create a Pull Request

  1. Go to the GitHub repository.
  2. Navigate to the Pull Requests tab and click on New Pull Request.
  3. Make sure the pull request is set to merge your branch into dev, and not main. It should look like this: dev <- <your-branch>.
  4. Add a description of the work you’ve done.
  5. Create the pull request.

That's it!

You have now successfully contributed to the project! 🎉