sdcervi / PokeDexApp

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Living PokeDex Tracker: a web-based visual checklist for Pokemon Home collectors

Web application created with JavaScript and Firebase

Table of Contents


This tracker web app is tailored toward Pokémon Home users, so that you can organize your entire collection according to the boxes available in Pokémon Home - regional forms, alt forms, and shinies included.

Your progress syncs with the cloud automatically, and you can access your dex from any device with internet access.

Try it out today at


I originally developed this as a passion project for my own use, then decided to make it available to other Pokémon fans as well. I couldn’t find any other living dex trackers that had an interface I liked, worked well on my phone as well as my computer, and used Pokémon icons that matched the ones seen in Home.

It initially started as a Bootstrap 4.x website, then expanded as I added more JavaScript functionality. Now, it uses Bootstrap 5.x, JavaScript, and Firebase to provide a streamlined and easy-to-maintain web-based application.


Living PokeDex Tracker was built using the Bootstrap 5.1 framework, Firebase, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. There's a little bit of jQuery but most of it is vanilla ES6 JavaScript.

I designed it to be used primarily on mobile devices, for a 375px-wide viewport and larger. Everything was then scaled up and rearranged for larger screens as needed.


Project status

Living PokeDex Tracker is being actively maintained. Bugs are logged and fixed as discovered. Go to the Changemap to view current status, make new feature requests, and upvote existing requests.