sdchasalow / Coursera-ReproducibleResearch

Stuff for Course 5 (Reproducible Research) in the Data Sciences Specialization at Coursera
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Stuff for Course 5 (Reproducible Research) in the Data Sciences Specialization at Coursera

A handy code chunk for quickly exploring cross-validated error rates of different potential predictors, one at a time

From a week-1 lecture, Structure of a Data Analysis (part 2):

trainSpam$numType <- as.numeric(trainSpam$type) - 1
costFunction <- function(x, y) sum(x != (y > 0.5))
cvError <- rep(NA, 55)
library(boot)  # Needed for cv.glm function
for (i in 1:55) {
   lmFormula <- reformulate( names(trainSpam)[i], response = "numType" )
   glmFit <- glm( lmFormula, family = "binomial", data = trainSpam )
   cvError[i] <- cv.glm( trainSpam, glmFit, costFunction, 2)$delta[2]

### Which predictor has minimum cross-validated error?

Get a measure of uncertainty

Best model:

predictionModel <- glm( numType ~ charDollar, family = "binomial",
   data = trainSpam)

Get predictions on the test set

predictionTest <- predict(predictionModel, testSpam)
predictedSpam <- rep("nonspam", dim(testSpam)[1])

Classify as 'spam' for those with prob > 0.5

predictedSpam[predictionModel$fitted > 0.5] <- "spam"

Confusion matrix (then can compute error rate, sens, spec, etc)

Could also, e.g. vary the classification threshold and get ROC curve

table(predictedSpam, testSpam$type)