sdmisra / AvianAnthems

This is an app that enables access to the beautiful music of the world around us
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Avian Anthems:

In a world where the sounds of birds are becoming more rare, Avian Anthems brings nature's music back to our lives.
Avian Anthems allows people to listen to birdcalls from many of the most interesting birding areas in the world. Perhaps hearing these avian anthems will inspire people to protect and listen for birds in their off-line worlds.


Application is deployed live at:

Preview of App:

Screen Recording 2023-06-04 at 3 25 52 PM

Explore the app for yourself here:


The project team taught ourselves TypeScript and implemented it in this agile-sprint over 11 days. This was a project by Front End students at the Turing School of Software and Design during mod 3 of 4.


Shane Misra / Josh Martin / Cade Chaney / Carol Bradsen /

Learning Goals:

Challenges & Wins:

Future Feature Ideas:

Installation Instructions:

Testing Instructions:

To run the test suite associated with the classes behind the scenes and how they interact: Run 'npm run cypress' from the terminal while within the main directory of the application and select E2E Testing, and your chosen browser in the following window.