sdr-enthusiasts / docker-baseimage

Docker images used to build SDR docker projects
MIT License
11 stars 6 forks source link
acars adsb airplanes docker planes rtlsdr sdr

SDR Docker Base Image


Provide a basic image, with all normal packages common to all installs of mikenye, fredclausen, or kx1t SDR docker images, to reduce download time and disk space usage for users.

Adding containers

1) Create your new docker file 2) Update github actions 3) Update the Tags section 4) Update the Projects and Tag Tree section


Tag Extends Included Packages
base - s6-overlay (via mikenye/deploy-s6-overlay), mikenye/docker-healthchecks-framework, bc, ca-certificates, curl, gawk, ncat, net-tools, procps, socat
acars-decoder rtlsdr libacars and all prerequisites for full functionality: (zlib1g, libxml2, libsqlite3)
python base python3, python3-pip, python3-setuptools, python3-wheel
readsb-full rtlsdr Contains the latest dev branch of Mictronics/readsb-protobuf and all prerequisites for full functionality: (bladeRF, bladeRF FPGA images, libiio (for PlutoSDR), libad9361-iio (for PlutoSDR))
readsb-netonly base Contains the latest dev branch of Mictronics/readsb-protobuf intended to operate in network only mode.
wreadsb base Contains the latest dev branch of wiedehopf's fork of readsb with rtl-sdr & libusb.
rtlsdr base Contains the latest tagged release of rtl-sdr, and prerequisites (eg: libusb)
soapyrtlsdr rtlsdr Contains the latest tagged release of SoapySDR and SoapyRTLSDR, and prerequisites (python3, python3-pip, python3-setuptools, python3-wheel)
dump978-full soapyrtlsdr Contains the latest tagged release of flightaware/dump978, and prerequisites (various boost libraries)
qemu base Contains qemu-user-static binaries


Simply add FROM<tag> at the top of your Dockerfile, replacing <tag> with one of the tags above.

The base image provides an [ENTRYPOINT] for starting the container so unless you have a specific reason to change this you do not have to provide an [ENTRYPOINT] in your Dockerfile.


RUN ...

Tag-specific Notes


Projects and Tag Tree

Tag Sub-tags Using Up-Stream Projects Using
base ALL sdr-enthusiasts/acars_router,sdr-enthusiasts/airspy-adsb, sdr-enthusiasts/docker-radarbox, sdr-enthusiasts/docker-adsbhub, sdr-enthusiasts/docker-opensky-network, sdr-enthusiasts/docker-rtlsdrairband
acars-decoder - sdr-enthusiasts/docker-acarsdec, sdr-enthusiasts/docker-dumpvdl2, sdr-enthusiasts/docker-vdlm2dec
python - sdr-enthusiasts/docker-acarshub, sdr-enthusiasts/docker-adsbexchange, kx1t/docker-planefence, sdr-enthusiasts/docker-radarvirtuel, sdr-enthusiasts/docker-reversewebproxy, kx1t/docker-raspberry-noaa-v2
rtlsdr acars-decoder, readsb-full, soapyrtlsdr, wreadsb sdr-enthusiasts/acars-oxide
readsb-full - sdr-enthusiasts/docker-readsb-protobuf
readsb-netonly - -
soapyrtlsdr dump978-full -
dump978-full - sdr-enthusiasts/docker-piaware, sdr-enthusiasts/docker-dump978
wreadsb - sdr-enthusiasts/docker-tar1090
qemu - sdr-enthusiasts/docker-flightradar24, sdr-enthusiasts/docker-planefinder