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slurm_expanse/ does not allow notebook_dir to be set #15

Open mkandes opened 3 years ago

mkandes commented 3 years ago

This batch job script does not allow user to specify a -d notebook_dir. It's always set to $HOME. Reported by Expanse user.

mkandes commented 2 years ago

This appears to be an issue common to the scripts. Also reported today by Comet user still using start-jupyter.

I am trying to use the start-jupyter script (part of the Jupyter Reverse Proxy Service) and am having trouble with the directory option.

When I run: ./start-jupyter -A cwp103 -p compute -t 0:30:00 -d $JUPDIR

I get a link to a Jupyter Notebook, with its home directory being /home/. However, I wanted to overwrite >/home/ with the -d option.

JUPDIR is the directory I need my notebooks in (the PI of this project seemed quite serious about all code being in our >personal scratch code directories within the project directory).

There is no typo in JUPDIR, as we can see: hv-gv-env) [aweyant@comet-ln2 reverse-proxy]$ $JUPDIR -bash: /cw3e/mead/projects/cwp103/scratch/aweyant/jupyter-nbs: Is a directory

After trying to use the flag, I edited start-jupyter itself (see "jup_root_dir"):

jup_root_dir is only mentioned a couple of times in the file, and when I look at this options list, it looks like it is specified >like the other options variables. I am not sure how to fix this.

I think that other people in my project are probably having this problem. Their scratch code folders (where we were told to >store our notebooks) seem empty. Their code is probably in their /home/ folders. They are all new to Jupyter >Notebooks, so they might have not noticed this.

I hope that I am missing something simple.