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Use custom environment #4

Closed zonca closed 3 years ago

zonca commented 3 years ago

How do I use my own custom conda environment with the reverse proxy?

marypthomas commented 3 years ago

Andrea - Good question. We recommend loading modules in the batch script, so I expect you would also load the conda environment as well. We have not tried this….

On Jul 27, 2020, at 4:20 PM, Andrea Zonca wrote:

How do I use my own custom conda environment with the reverse proxy?

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zonca commented 3 years ago

My environment is at:

. /share/apps/compute/si2020/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/ 
conda activate python-hpc

and jupyter at:


I tried editing batch/ both adding the conda activation on top (I was getting command not found in the slurm output log) and using the full jupyter path (I get no slurm output log at all) but neither worked. In both cases I get "Pending" in the proxy interface.

Can someone familiar with the system debug this and let me know how to proceed?

This is my standard launch script works fine:

mahidhar commented 3 years ago

Mary, Andrea,

I already tried the batch script route for the conda installed R example I did for Paul and Mai. It works fine. Two things to keep in mind:

(a) Before you run "start_notebook" you should be in your conda environment. The start_notebook script looks for jupyter so it should be in your path at submit time.

(b) In the batch script (you can copy reverse-proxy/batch/ I added the conda environment set up before the "# DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE" line.

With (a) and (b) I had no problems running via the reverse proxy.


p.s: Mary: The function in the script should be moved after the #SBATCH lines, otherwise SLURM will ignore the #SBATCH directives.

mahidhar commented 3 years ago

My environment is at:

. /share/apps/compute/si2020/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/ 
conda activate python-hpc

and jupyter at:


I tried editing batch/ both adding the conda activation on top (I was getting command not found in the slurm output log) and using the full jupyter path (I get no slurm output log at all) but neither worked. In both cases I get "Pending" in the proxy interface.

Can someone familiar with the system debug this and let me know how to proceed?

This is my standard launch script works fine:

Can you check to see if the job is still pending on the Comet side? If so, getting the pending message is fine. When the job runs the link will map to the right node.

zonca commented 3 years ago

yes, the job was running. can you please send me the scripts you used? I am quite sure I did the same and it didn't work for me.

mahidhar commented 3 years ago

I am trying the jupyterlab one right now and seeing the same issue. I had tried the notebook one for my test. I will look into this a bit more.

zonca commented 3 years ago

also, I think we should have a configuration option to the script to specify the executable for jupyter, this way I do not have to maintain my own copy of

Also it would be nice to have start_notebook installed systemwide, or at least in /share/apps/compute/si2020/miniconda3/condabin (common path to all envs), so all users can call it without having to checkout a copy of the reverse-proxy repository.

mahidhar commented 3 years ago

Yes, I was planning to put the reverse-proxy files in everyone's path and also provide the sample script with the SI2020 conda install path in it.

zonca commented 3 years ago

ok, I'll test them when they are ready, thanks

mkandes commented 3 years ago

@mahidhar @JamesMcDougallJr - Were you all able to get jupyter lab running? I had no trouble myself once you change 'jupyter notebook' to 'jupyter lab'. But yes, you do have to also add the environment changes for the SI2020 conda installation and loading the python-hpc environment too.

(python-hpc) [mkandes@comet-ln2 batch]$ diff 
< . /share/apps/compute/si2020/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/
< conda activate python-hpc
< jupyter lab --ip $IP --config $config --no-browser &
> jupyter notebook --ip $IP --config $config --no-browser &
mahidhar commented 3 years ago

Yes I got it working fine with James' development version. I will send the info to Andrea directly. James: You also have to change the order in the script. The #SBATCH commands must come before any other commands. Otherwise SLURM will just ignore the #SBATCH lines as comments.

marypthomas commented 3 years ago

All - These changes look great. We’ll sync up and review at the weekly notebook meeting this Friday (10am). Thanks, Mary

On Jul 27, 2020, at 9:08 PM, mahidhar wrote:

Yes I got it working fine with James' development version. I will send the info to Andrea directly. James: You also have to change the order in the script. The #SBATCH commands must come before any other commands. Otherwise SLURM will just ignore the #SBATCH lines as comments.

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JamesMcDougallJr commented 3 years ago

Closing as this was successfully done in the Summer Institute.