sdthompson1 / babylon

An experimental new programming language with verification features.
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The "Babylon" programming language

"Babylon" is an experimental new programming language that I am working on. The goal is to create a low-level imperative-style language, similar to C, but with support for program verification features (preconditions, postconditions and so on).

Here is a simple example program written in the language.

module Prime

interface {
    // Define what is meant by a prime number.
    ghost function is_prime(n: i32): bool
        return n >= 2 &&
            forall (i: i32) 2 <= i < n ==> n % i != 0;

    // Declare a function which will check whether a number is prime.
    function check_if_prime(n: i32): bool
        ensures return <==> is_prime(n);

// The implementation of the "check_is_prime" function.
function check_if_prime(n: i32): bool
    ensures return <==> is_prime(n);
    if n < 2 {
        return false;

    var i: i32 = 2;
    while i < n
        invariant 2 <= i <= n;
        invariant forall (j: i32) 2 <= j < i ==> n % j != 0;
        decreases ~i;
        if n % i == 0 {
            return false;
        i = i + 1;

    return true;

The interesting part of this example is the postcondition ensures return <==> is_prime(n). This basically states that check_if_prime(n) should return true if and only if is_prime(n) is true. The Babylon compiler will verify that this condition, along with a number of other conditions (such as loop termination and absence of run-time errors), is true.

This verification is done by formulating each of the conditions to be checked as an SMT problem, and passing it to one or more external SMT solvers to be proved. (Currently, we use z3, cvc5 and vampire.) If, for each condition, at least one of the solvers responds with unsat (indicating that it has found a proof), then we consider the program to be successfully verified; otherwise an error is reported.

Current Status

Be advised that this project is currently in a very early, pre-alpha state. The language will change in incompatible ways in the future, and you can expect bugs. Therefore I would not recommend anyone to use this language for production purposes at this time. However, if anyone wants to try out the language, and perhaps suggest improvements, they would be welcome to do so.

The current status of the project is basically as follows:


The example programs are in the examples folder.

Some highlights:

A screenshot of the chess demo. The Babylon compiler verifies that this program cannot crash at runtime (or at least, the parts written in Babylon cannot crash -- the program does also include some C code which is unverified). We do not go so far as to verify that the program is functionally correct, i.e. that the rules of chess are correctly implemented -- but perhaps that could be a future project!


This section describes how to build the Babylon compiler.

A Linux machine, with gcc (or another C compiler) available, is required.

The Babylon compiler itself is written in C, and the only external dependency is sqlite3. The simplest way to build is to run gcc -O3 -o babylon src/*.c -lsqlite3 to make an optimised babylon executable in the current directory. (Ensure that you have the libsqlite3-dev package, or equivalent for your OS, installed.)

(Alternatively, you can install the "Shake" build system from Then you will be able to use the Shakefile.hs that I created. This gives the ability to do incremental builds, as opposed to a full rebuild. This is only really necessary if you intend to work on the compiler itself, however -- the "gcc" command given above probably works well enough for most users.)

As well as building the compiler, you will need to make sure that at least one (and preferably all three) of the commands z3, cvc5-Linux and vampire are available on your system. You might be able to get pre-built binaries at the following links: z3, cvc5, vampire. Otherwise they can be built from source. Put the binaries into your search path somewhere.

Note that the list of SMT solvers to use is currently hard coded into the compiler (unfortunately). If you want to use different solvers (or if they have different names on your system), look at src/fol.c, and edit the PROVERS array and/or the NUM_PROVERS define.

If you want to run the test suite you can just run the script. This looks for the compiler in ./build/babylon (although you can edit this at the top of the script) and it writes temporary files into test/output_tmp.

For instructions on how to use the compiler, take a look at the "Demo" programs in the examples folder, and read the comments. This will take you through the basics of the language and explain how to use the compiler and verifier.

Future work

The project webpage includes a "Future work" section giving details of possible future directions for this project.

Related projects

Here is a (non-exhaustive) list of programming languages and other tools that can be used for software verification (or theorem proving more generally). These are in no particular order.

A brief discussion of some of these can be found on the project webpage under the "Related projects" section.


For the avoidance of doubt: this project is currently considered an experimental prototype, not a fully working system, and is provided WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND.


I can be contacted by email at: stephen (at)

Project website link: