description: >-
This is the documentation for the design system specifically for sdworx. The
abbreviation is SDWDS. Created and maintained by the Center Of Excellense
UX/UI group.
SDWorx Design System
The benefits of a Design System
Some of the benefits of a design system
- Consistency and cohesion: Reusing interface elements ensures our products look and feel consistent.
- Faster workflow: Organizing our components is like sorting a pile of LEGO: Once you know where all the pieces are and how they can be used, it’s much easier to build what you need.
- Collaboration: A Design System gives different team members a common platform to build products together.
- Shared vocabulary: When our team speaks a common language, instead of each discipline having their own name for a component, it’s much easier to collaborate with one another.
- Helpful documentation: We can use our Design System to teach one another about what our buttons look like, or what styles of typography we use and why.
- Foundation to expand and improve on: The Design System is a “living and breathing” entity. It serves as a base that we can adapt or add to as our needs change.