se-sic / GitHubWrapper

GitHubWrapper is a tool to extract information from the GitHub issue API.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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GitHubWrapper is an extension to the GitWrapper project for interaction with the GitHub issue and pull-request API.


GitHubWrapper uses the Gradle build system.


Since this is an extension, GitWrapper needs to be present in the parent directory. See there for additional information about setting up GitWrapper.


Using ./gradlew build will assemble a .jar file containing the library in the build/libs directory. The dependencies of the library may be displayed using ./gradlew dependencies --configuration runtime.

To get access to additional data provided by the GitHub API, you can wrap an existing git repository. For information about access to local git data please refer to the GitWrapper project.

Note: To get more than the unauthenticated limit of 60 requests per hour, you need to supply your own OAuth token. For furhter information and to generate your own token visit

The GitHubRepository object then allows access to the local repository copy using native git calls as well as read only access to the GitHub API for issues (including comments and events) and pull requests.

Usage as stand-alone tool

There is an IssueRunner object that allows to run GitHubWrapper as a stand-alone tool to extract issue and pull request data from GitHub's issue API.

After building GitHubWrapper via gradle (e.g., ./gradlew build), you can simply execute the resulting jar file:

java -Xmx100G -jar "build/libs/GitHubWrapper-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" \
            -dump "name-of-the-result-file.json" \
            -tokens "tokens.txt" \
            -repo "repo-directory/repo-name" \
            -workDir "repo-directory"

Integration into other projects

There is also an option to use the implementation of GitHubWrapper in your code without using the provided IssueRunner.

For gradle-based projects, only extend your settings.gradle and build.gradle as follows:



includeFlat 'GitHubWrapper' // The name of the directory containing your clone of GitWrapper.



dependencies {
    compile project(':GitHubWrapper')

You than can use GitHubWrapper in your project. Here is possible example:

GitWrapper git;


try {
    git = new GitWrapper("git"); // Or /usr/bin/git, C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.
} catch (ToolNotWorkingException ex) {
    // Handle the case that git can not be called using the supplied command.

GitHubRepository repo = git.clone(new File("."), "", false).map(baseRepo -> new GitHubRepository(baseRepo, git));

// Print number of pull requests
repo.getPullRequests(State.ANY).ifPresent(prs -> System.out.println(prs.size()));

// Print all issues with comments
repo.getIssues(false).ifPresent(issueData -> issueData.forEach(issue -> {
    System.out.println(issue.user.username + ": " + issue.body);
    issue.getCommentsList().forEach(comment ->
        System.out.println(comment.user.username + ": " + comment.body));