seabar24 / Capstone

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Main Hub for Capstone Project Progress and Project Idea.

Capstone Progress

Leads to the Kanban Board, Weekly Reflections, and other Capstone Notes about the Project.

Capstone Project Progress
Capstone Project Progress
Capstone Weekly Reflection
Capstone Notes
Capstone Final Presentation

Leads to the Sprints with Objectives, Milestones, Demo Videos, and Weekly Reflections for each Sprint

1 Capstone Sprint 1
2 Capstone Sprint 2
3 Capstone Sprint 3
4 Capstone Sprint 4

Leads to the Documentation and Extra Demo Videos for Wifi Hacking and OpenWrt.

1 Wifi Hacking
2 OpenWrt Documentation
3 References

Capstone Project Overview


Optimizing IoT Devices with 802.11ax and Comparison/Contrast of v4, v5, v6.

Design Projects

Links to Design projects

First Semester Sprint 1 + 2 Slides

Shows slides and progress from the first and second Sprint.

Second Semester Sprints

Links to each Sprint deliverables, objectives, and tasks. As well as a link to that sprint's weekly reflections