seancdavis / seancdavis-com

My personal website, which is mostly just a blog helping developers build better websites.
26 stars 7 forks source link
11ty blog website

Sean C Davis

Hi, I'm Sean! This is my website. I prefer to work out in the open and share my work with anyone who may benefit from it. This repo has the code and content that powers my site, including some of the examples I use in blog posts.


I welcome any form of contribution to this site, including:


The code for the website is in the www directory. There is a README in that directory with more information on working with the project.


The projects in the examples directory are meant self-contained examples, mostly used in support of a blog post.

I don't prioritize keeping these up to date, but if you find a bug or have a question, you're welcome to create an issue.


The packages directory contains projects that are published to NPM. Each should have its own README file with more information about itself.


I don't use a typical software license. I'm here to make the web better and to have some fun doing it! You can read my license page for those fine-grained, nitty-gritty, legal(ish) details.