seancorfield / logging4j2

A Clojure wrapper for log4j2
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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A Clojure wrapper for log4j2, intended as a partial replacement for, that supports MDC (mapped diagnostic context), NDC (nested diagnostic context) and markers directly, in a Clojure-friendly manner.

This library explicitly depends on log4j2 and all of the bridge libraries that route other logging frameworks to log4j2 (jcl, jul, log4j 1.x, slf4j 1.x and 2.x).

Note: requires Clojure 1.11 or later.


Add the following dependency to your deps.edn file:

com.github.seancorfield/logging4j2 {:mvn/version "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"}

Note: this library is a work in progress -- feedback is appreciated!


Require the main org.corfield.logging4j2 namespace (:as whatever alias you prefer -- the examples below use logger):

The library provides the following macros that you can use to log information: trace, debug, info, warn, error, and fatal. There is also a generic log macro that accepts a level keyword as its first argument.

(logger/info "Hello, world!")
(logger/log :info "Hello, world!") ; equivalent to the above

Support for MDC and NDC is provided via the with-log-context, with-log-tag, and with-log-uuid macros (see MDC and NDC below for more detail):

(logger/with-log-context {:uid (:id user)}
  (logger/info "Hello, world!")) ; INFO {uid=1234} Hello, world!

(logger/with-log-tag (str "user_" (:id user))
  (logger/info "Hello, world!")) ; INFO [user_1234] Hello, world!

  (logger/info "Hello, world!")) ; is equivalent to
(logger/with-log-tag (str (random-uuid))
  (logger/info "Hello, world!")) ; INFO [8b21769c-33c5-42cb-b6c4-146ce8bb875f] Hello, world!

Support for markers is provided by the as-marker function, which accepts one or more keywords or strings and returns a marker object that can be passed as the first argument to any of the logging macros (or the second argument to the generic log macro).

(as-marker :sql-update :sql) returns a marker object that represents the string "SQL_UPDATE" with the marker "SQL" as its parent.

Possible Arguments

Most logging will look like this:

(logger/info "some message")
;; or
(logger/info my-exception "some message")
;; or
(logger/info my-marker "some message")
;; or
(logger/info my-marker my-exception "some message")

If multiple message arguments are provided, they are generally converted to strings and concatenated with spaces between them, except as follows:

You can build a Message directly with logger/as-message:

(logger/as-message "Hello, {}!" "Parameter")
;; => ParameterizedMessage
(logger/as-message {:hello "world"})
;; => MapMessage
(logger/as-message "Hello," "World!")
;; => SimpleMessage

If you are using Clojure 1.12 (or later), you can prove a (fn [] ...) which will be used as a MessageSupplier object:

(logger/info (fn [] (logger/as-message "Hello, Supplier!")))

On Clojure 1.11, you have to construct the MessageSupplier object directly, for example by using reify to implement the MessageSupplier interface and provide the get method:

(logger/info (reify org.apache.logging.log4j.message.MessageSupplier
               (get [_] (logger/as-message "Hello, Supplier!"))))


Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC) and Nested Diagnostic Context (NDC) are supported (as noted above) by the three with-log-* macros. Nested calls to these macros will accumulate the map context and the stack of tags automatically, within the current thread.

The underlying context for log4j2 is thread-local by default: each thread starts out with an empty context. This library also tracks MDC and NDC using a dynamic var in Clojure, so you can use with-log-inherited inside a spawned thread to inherit the MDC and NDC from the parent thread.

(logger/with-log-context {:uid (:id user)}
      (logger/info "Hello, world!")))) ; INFO {uid=1234} Hello, world!

If you're passing functions between threads, you may need to use bound-fn or bound-fn* in order to convey the dynamic context into the new thread.

Note: with-log-inherited will inherit the entire MDC/NDC from the dynamic parent context, even if there are intervening calls to with-log-context, with-log-tag, or with-log-uuid in the child thread, that did not inherit the context.


Copyright © 2024 Sean Corfield.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.