How do we make the IDE more like real life - live, direct, and fun!
GToolkit is the reference platform, but the goal is for it to also work in the latest Pharo release
EpMonitor current disable.
[ Metacello new
baseline: 'LivingCode';
repository: 'github://seandenigris/Living-Code/repository';
"onConflict: [ :ex | ex allow ];"
load ] ensure: [ EpMonitor current enable ].
] fork.
From the World Menu, click "Open Self World" Things to note:
Just use the mouse wheel, or click and drag anywhere on the World's background
Since grokking a complex world can be difficult, there is a RadarMorph, inspired by Self's RadarView. Try the following:
RadarMorph new extent: (300.0@200.0); openInHand
In self, the equivalent of creating a new instance is to copy a prototype e.g. "morph copy" ~ "Morph new". One key difference is that in most of the examples, you continue to customize the behavior, which is not a built-in way to deal with Smalltalk instances. So, we start with an equivalent of "Morph subclass: #MyMorphSubclass". In the future, we may make a real prototyping facility, but this will get the ball rolling.
In self, one would add a slot to globals under an appropriate category and then connect the slot to the new prototype. As a Smalltalk equivalent, we include a "package" slot in all outliners. So one can drag and drop the package slot handle onto an RPackage.