seanofw / region2d

A JavaScript implementation of the Region data type, which 2-D graphics systems use to perform constructive solid geometry.
Apache License 2.0
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Region2D (Website)

Copyright © 2017 by Sean Werkema

Licensed under the Apache 2.0 Open Source License.

Example Region

NOTE: For more information, a demo, and tutorials, visit the website.

Region2D usage

A Region2D is an opaque object that represents a set of points in the 2-D plane, and is always composed of a series of nonoverlapping axis-aligned rectangles.


// Normal construction:
var myRegion = new Region2D([x1, y1, x2, y2]);
var myRegion = new Region2D({ x:, y:, width:, height: });
var myRegion = new Region2D({ left:, top:, right:, bottom: });
var myRegion = new Region2D(htmlElement);

// Creation by unioning many rectangles:
var myRegion = Region2D.fromRects([ ...array of rectangles... ]);

// Fast creation using raw row data:
var myRegion = Region2D.fromRawRows([ ...array of raw row data... ]);

There are several ways to construct a Region2D instance, as depicted above:

However the rectangle is represented, Region2D always follows the following rules, both for rectangles used as input to it and for those that it produces as output:

Region2D is designed to be reasonably efficient: All methods on Region2D run in O(n) time, except for the binary operations (which run in O(n+m) time), and for a few operations that are O(1) or O(lg n), as noted below.

Region2D includes many operations for manipulating its set of points:

Set-theoretic operations:

var newRegion = myRegion.union(yourRegion);
var newRegion = myRegion.intersect(yourRegion);
var newRegion = myRegion.xor(yourRegion);
var newRegion = myRegion.subtract(yourRegion);
var newRegion = myRegion.not();

Transformation operations:

var newRegion = myRegion.transform(scaleX, scaleY, offsetX, offsetY);
var newRegion = myRegion.translate(offsetX, offsetY);
var newRegion = myRegion.scale(scaleX, scaleY);

Testing and comparison:

var bool = myRegion.isEmpty();                  // O(1)
var bool = myRegion.isInfinite();               // O(1). True if any rect reaches +inf or -inf.
var bool = myRegion.isFinite();                 // O(1). Opposite of isInfinite().
var bool = myRegion.isRectangular();            // O(1). True if region is exactly one rect.
var bool = myRegion.doesIntersect(yourRegion);  // O(n+m)
var bool = myRegion.relate(yourRegion);         // O(n+m): '', 'intersect', 'a-contain-b', 'equal'
var bool = myRegion.isPointIn(x);               // O(lg n)
var bool = myRegion.equals(yourRegion);         // O(n)

Data extraction:

var numberOfRects = myRegion.getCount();        // O(1)
var arrayOfRects = myRegion.getRects();         // Returns a copy, not the original rects.
var rect = myRegion.getBounds();                // O(1)
var arrayOfPolygons = myRegion.getPath();       // Array of arrays of {x:,y:} points.
var hashCode = myRegion.getHashCode();          // O(1)
var rawRows = myRegion.getRawRows();            // O(n), where n is the number of rows.

Static instances:

var nothing = Region2D.empty;
var everything = Region2D.infinite;

Region1D usage

This library also includes an implementation of Region1D, which is used internally by Region2D but can be useful in its own right. A Region1D is an opaque object that represents a set of points on the number line, and is always composed of a series of nonoverlapping nonadjacent [start,end) pairs.


var myRegion = new Region1D([span1Min, span1Max, span2Min, span2Max, span3Min, span3Max, ...]);

1-D regions are composed of spans of included content. Span endpoints are of the form [min, max). The minima and maxima of a span may include either positive or negative infinity. Spans must not overlap or adjoin, and must appear in strictly ascending order. All 1-D regions are immutable once constructed.

There is also a global Region1D.empty static instance available, which consists of no spans.

Region1D is designed to be reasonably efficient: All Region1D operations run in O(n) time, except for the binary operations (which run in O(n+m) time), and for a few operations that are O(1) or O(lg n), as noted below.

Region1D includes many operations for manipulating its set of points:

Set-theoretic operations:

var newRegion = myRegion.union(yourRegion);
var newRegion = myRegion.intersect(yourRegion);
var newRegion = myRegion.xor(yourRegion);
var newRegion = myRegion.subtract(yourRegion);
var newRegion = myRegion.not();

Transformation operations:

var newRegion = myRegion.transform(scale, offset);
var newRegion = myRegion.translate(offset);
var newRegion = myRegion.scale(scale);

Testing and comparison:

var bool = myRegion.isEmpty();                  // O(1)
var bool = myRegion.isPointIn(x);               // O(lg n)
var bool = myRegion.doesIntersect(yourRegion);  // O(n+m)
var bool = myRegion.relate(yourRegion);         // O(n+m): '', 'intersect', 'a-contain-b', 'equal'
var bool = myRegion.equals(yourRegion);         // O(n)

Data extraction:

var numberOfSpans = myRegion.getCount();        // O(1)
var arrayOfRects = myRegion.getAsRects(minY, maxY);
var arrayOfSpans = myRegion.getRawSpans();      // Returns a copy, not the original spans.
var minAndMax = myRegion.getBounds();           // O(1)
var hashCode = myRegion.getHashCode();          // O(1)

Static instances:

var nothing = Region1D.empty;

Implementation Details


This implementation uses the banded rectangles technique, which is used in many implementations of X Windows, and which was chosen for its speed.

Each Region2D is conceptually represented as a set of nonoverlapping rectangles, where no rectangle may have a minimum or maximum Y coordinate between any other rectangle's minimum or maximum Y coordinate. Thus the rectangles effectively form horizontal bands, where all of the rectangles in a given band have the same minimum and maximum Y coordinate. In Region2D, each band is implemented as a simple object of the form { region:, minY:, maxY: }, where the region property represents the rectangles but is actually a Region1D object. The bands are stored in an array, and are always in strictly ascending Y-coordinate order.

While banded rectangles do not always result in the fewest possible number of rectangles to represent a region, they allow set-theoretic operations to be performed very simply and quickly: To union, intersect, subtract, or exclusive-or any two regions, you need only line up those regions' bands where they overlap, and apply Region1D operations on each pair of bands to produce the result. (There are considerable details to make that work reliably and efficiently, but that is the basic idea.)

It also comes with the nice side effect that a readout of all rectangles in the region will always have coordinates that read top-to-bottom, left-to-right, which can be useful for some applications.


Certain invariants are always maintained for a Region2D's bands:

Within each band, since its rectangles are implemented as a Region1D, the Region1D invariants also hold for the band's rectangles:


Using the banded rectangles design ensures that:

However, this speed does come at a cost in space, in that Region2D may (in a pathological case) require O(n^2) rectangles compared to an optimal representation of the same region.

But in normal scenarios, Region2D requires between n and 2*n rectangles compared to an optimal representation of the same region, and is much, much faster than an optimal representation. (Region2D requires O(n+m) time for most operations, whereas the optimal representation typically requires O(n*m) time.)

Prior Art

This pure-JavaScript Region2D is comparable in functionality to many similar data structures in other environments:

This implementation is missing some features common to other implementations:


This library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 open-source license, which basically means: