seanohue / ranvier-gen

DEPRECATED - see "axolemma" for an up-to-date Ranvier generation CLI tool
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I do plan on turning this into a usable CLI tool. Most likely it will be to procedurally generate areas, items, and NPCs for use with RanvierMUD.


This is a command-line building tool for Ranvier MUD.




Clone this repo into the plugins directory of your RanvierMUD installation.

Type npm install into your terminal machine to install all dependencies.

This works with any terminals that inquirer.js is compatible with.


Type node index.js to get started. Answer the questions and it will auto-save YAML files for RanvierMUD rooms to the areas directory.

As of right now, only adding new areas is supported. Adding rooms to previous areas must be done manually.


ranvier-gen uses JS-YAML for parsing and inquirer.js for command-line prompts.


This is still in beta form, at best.

I use JS-beautify for code formatting since I'm lazy. The preferences for formatting are saved in the root of this project. This uses mocha.

Run tests using mocha spec in the root directory.