seantis / ship

Swiss Healthcare Insurance Premiums
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SHIP - Swiss Healthcare Insurance Premiums

Provides access to the official records for the health-insurance premiums provided by the Bundesamt für Gesundheit (BAG).

SHIP tries to do two things right:

Under Development

Currently, SHIP is under development, which is why the following instructions are meant for developers. Expect this README to grow in the future.


Create Project


mkdir ship && cd ship
git clone git:// .

Install SHIP

(Virtualenv or Virtualenvrwapper are highly recommended)


virtualenv -p python2.7 --no-site-packages .
source bin/activate
python develop



python test


There's an interactive example using IPython notebook in the "docs" folder. Read docs/example.txt for further instructions.

For now it is best to get a database running, grab a coffee and read the source.

To get a simple sqlite database running:


from ship import config

from ship import load

To understand the data read models/ and

Import latest data

The latest data for the Swiss healthinsurance premiums are not yet publically available, but they will be soon. Currently to get them one has to contact the Swiss governement.

The data they release is a mixture of csv and xls files. To import them into ship one has to do the following:

  1. Check if the data structure has changed.

    Compare Doku_PraemienDaten.txt in the data release with ship/rawdata/doku_praemien_daten.txt. The field descriptions should match.

  2. Copy the premiums.

    Praemien_CH.csv and Praemien_EU.csv can be used without changes. Just copy them to the ship/rawdata folder, renaming them appropriately. E.g. if 2014 rename them as follows:


    Praemien_CH.csv -> ship/rawdata/2014_ch.csv Praemien_EU.csv -> ship/rawdata/2014_eu.csv

    The first line (headers) may be omitted, though it should also work with the header line present.

  3. Copy the insurers.

    Open the Praemien_CH.xls file, select the "(G)" sheet, and copy the columns "G_ID" and "G_KBEZ" to the new 2014_insurers.csv file. Use semicolons as separator. When in doubt, check the insurers file of a previous year.

  4. Copy the towns.

    The towns and the regions they are in can be acquired through the following website:

    From the B_NPA_2014 copy PLZ, Ortsbezeichnung, Kanton, BFS-Nr., Region and Gemeinde into a csv in the same format as the insurers in step three.

    Note that the BFS-Nr. comes before the region. The column order must be as follows:

    PLZ, Ortsbezeichnung, Kanton, BFS-Nr., Region, Gemeinde

    Store this as ship/rawdata/2014_towns.csv

  5. Adjust the test.

    Add the newly added year to ship/tests/ and run python test. If there's an unicode error you should save the csv files using UTF-8 encoding.


This project is released under the GPL v3. See LICENSE.txt.