searchisko / elasticsearch-river-sysinfo

River component for elasticsearch which collects system informations from ES cluster in defined intervals and stores them into search indices, so can be analyzed later.
Apache License 2.0
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System info River for Elasticsearch

Build Status Coverage Status

System info river component for Elasticsearch collects in defined intervals system information from Elasticsearch cluster, and store them into search indexes, so may be used for later analysis. System info can be collected from local or remote ES cluster, in case of remote cluster REST protocol may be used too to decrease different ES versions impedance.

Please note that Rivers are going to be deprecated from Elasticsearch 1.5.

In order to install the plugin into Elasticsearch 1.3.x, simply run:

bin/plugin -install elasticsearch-river-sysinfo` \

In order to install the plugin into Elasticsearch 1.4.x, simply run:

bin/plugin -install elasticsearch-river-sysinfo \
Sysinfo River Elasticsearch Release date Notes
master 1.4.x
1.5.1 1.4.x 27.3.2015 See [Milestone 1.5.1] details.
1.5.0 1.4.x 4.12.2014
1.4.1 1.3.x 22.9.2014
1.4.0 1.3.x 20.8.2014
1.3.0 1.2.x 8.7.2014 changes in indexers config section necessary to monitor ES 1.2
1.2.2 0.90.5 20.9.2013
1.2.1 0.90.0 17.5.2013 Management REST API url's changed
1.1.0 0.90.11 23.11.2012 river configuration format changed in indexers section
1.0.0 0.19.11 20.11.2012

For changelog, planned milestones/enhancements and known bugs see github issue tracker please.

Creation of the System info river can be done using:

curl -XPUT localhost:9200/_river/my_sysinfo_river/_meta -d '
    "type" : "sysinfo",
    "es_connection" : {
      "type" : "local"
    "indexers" : {
      "cluster_health" : {
        "info_type"   : "cluster_health",
        "index_name"  : "my_index_1",
        "index_type"  : "my_type_1",
        "period"      : "1m",
        "params" : {
          "level" : "shards"
      "cluster_state" : {
        "info_type"   : "cluster_state",
        "index_name"  : "my_index_2",
        "index_type"  : "my_type_2",
        "period"      : "1m",
        "params" : {
          "metric" : "nodes"

The example above lists basic configuration used to store two types of information about cluster where river runs. Detailed description of configuration follows in next chapters. Other examples of configuration can be found in test resources.

Connection to the monitored ES cluster

Connection used to collect ES cluster system information is configured using es_connection element. Content depends on type of connection. There are three types available.


Local mode is used to collect information about ES cluster where river runs. Only type option is used here, no any additional configuration parameter necessary.

"es_connection" : {
  "type" : "local"


Remote mode uses Transport Client to collect system information from remote ES cluster using internal Transport mechanism. You can use this connection if transport mechanism of remote ES cluster version is compatible with version of ES cluster where river runs.
Configuration requires address element with list of remote cluster nodes (both host and port elements are mandatory). Optionally you can define other connection settings as described in the Transport Client documentation.

"es_connection" : {
  "type" : "remote",
  "addresses" : [
    {"host": "host1", "port" : "9300"},
    {"host": "host2", "port" : "9300"}
  "settings" : {
    "" : "myCluster",
    "client.transport.ping_timeout" : "10"


REST mode uses Elasticsearch HTTP REST API to collect system information from remote ES cluster. You can use this connection mode in case of compatibility or networking problems with remote mode. Note that performance of REST API is commonly worse than binary transport mechanism behind remote mode.

"es_connection" : {
  "type"     : "rest",
  "urlBase"  : "http://localhost:9200",
  "timeout"  : "1s",
  "username" : "myusername",
  "pwd"      : "mypassword"

Configuration options:

Configuration of indexers

Second significant part of the river configuration is map of indexers. Each indexer defines what information will be collected in which interval, and where will be stored in ES indexes. Each indexer has unique name defined as key in map of indexers. Information is stored to the ES indexes in cluster where river runs. Structure of stored information is exactly same as returned from ElasticSearch API call. Note that this information typically do not contain timestamp when it was acquired and stored, to get time information you have to enable automatic _timestamp field in your mapping. Indexer configuration is:

"indexer_name" : {
  "info_type"  : "cluster_health",
  "index_name" : "my_index_1",
  "index_type" : "my_type_1",
  "period"     : "1m",
  "params"     : {
      "level" : "shards"

Configuration options:

Available information types:

info_type Relevant ES API doc River version Notes
cluster_health Cluster Health index param
cluster_state Cluster State indices, metric param for ES 1.2, use of metadata metric may bring performance problems!
cluster_stats Cluster Stats >= 1.5.1 nodeId param
pending_cluster_tasks Pending Cluster Tasks >= 1.5.1
cluster_nodes_info Nodes Info nodeId param. metrics param for ES 1.2
cluster_nodes_stats Nodes Stats nodeId param. metric, indexMetric, fields params for ES 1.2
indices_status Indices Status index param. Note this API is deprecated in ES 1.2.0 - Index Recovery should be used instead.
indices_stats Indices Stats index param. metric, indexMetric params for ES 1.2
indices_segments Indices Segments index param. Use of this api can lead to high load on cluster due to constant dynamic mapping updates.
indices_recovery Indices Recovery >= 1.5.1 index param

Management REST API

Sysinfo river supports next REST commands for management purposes. Note my_sysinfo_river in examples is name of Sysinfo river you can call operation for, so replace it with real name for your calls.

Stop Sysinfo river indexing process. Process is stopped temporarily, so after complete elasticsearch cluster restart or river migration to another node it's started back.

curl -XPOST localhost:9200/_river/my_sysinfo_river/_mgm_sr/stop

Restart Sysinfo river indexing process. Configuration of river is reloaded during restart. You can restart running indexing, or stopped indexing (see previous command).

curl -XPOST localhost:9200/_river/my_sysinfo_river/_mgm_sr/restart

Change indexing period for named indexers (indexers are named in url and comma separated, see cluster_health,cluster_state in example below). Change is not persistent, it's back on value from river configuration file after river restart!

curl -XPOST localhost:9200/_river/my_sysinfo_river/_mgm_sr/cluster_health,cluster_state/period/2s

List names of all Sysinfo Rivers running in ES cluster.

curl -XGET localhost:9200/_sysinfo_river/list


This software is licensed under the Apache 2 license, quoted below.

Copyright 2012-2014 Red Hat Inc. and/or its affiliates and other contributors as indicated by the @authors tag. 
All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
the License.