For more info visit
Install Opencv3 for python 2.7:
python -m pip install opencv-python
ROS handles the communication between the different modules, transforms 3d-data and provides a handy 3d visualization for development
cd /catkin_ws/src/
cd /catkin_ws
catkin_make install
source /catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
New Terminal: Start roscore
New Terminal: Start dataset playbag.
cd datasetDownloadPath
rosbag play bodenSee2018HalfRes.bag --clock --start=0 --rate=2
New Terminal: Setup environment:
source /catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
Start boatdetector:
roslaunch searchwing bodenseeDataset.launch
Now you should see the detections in rviz like in the screenshot above.
If you want to edit/start/debug the with a editor, please ensure you run
rosparam set use_sim_time true
before you start the editor in the terminal. Also comment out the start of the node in the bodenseeDataset.launch file.