searxng / searx-instances

SearXNG instances list
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
98 stars 28 forks source link
searx searx-instances

How to add your instance to the list?

Create a new issue here:

For SearXNG instance operators

For reviewers

Add a new instance to the public list

python -m pip install .[update]

Update the instance list according to the github issues.

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --github-issues [GITHUB_ISSUE_LIST [GITHUB_ISSUE_LIST ...]] Github issue number to process, by default all --add [ADD_INSTANCES [ADD_INSTANCES ...]] Add instance(s) --delete [DELETE_INSTANCES [DELETE_INSTANCES ...]] Delete instance(s) --edit [EDIT_INSTANCES [EDIT_INSTANCES ...]] Edit instance(s)

Or if you don't want to use virtualenv:

1. `pip install .[update]`
2. `python -m searxinstances.update`

The tool :
* is only an helper. instances.yml can be edited directly.
* shows the default editor to only edit one instance at a time.
* once the user quits the editor, the script checks everything is okay, if not it goes back to the editor with the error added at the end of the buffer.
* if everything is okay, the script modifies the instances.yml file.
* then it creates a commit.
* The ```--github-issues``` options reads the [github issues](


An example what is shown in the default editor: {}




From @dalf

> The above text is the commit message

> Delete the whole buffer to cancel the request

> -- MESSAGE -----------------------

> See ...

Here is it possible to modify the yaml, the commit message and validate or delete the whole buffer to cancel.

### Add a previously submitted instance

Was discussed in

1. Look in the commit history if the instance was already added and got removed due to errors or bad uptime.
   The bot may help you with that.
2. If the instance was previously removed only once for bad uptime or errors then add the domain on
  But if the instance was removed multiple times, do not add the instance or make an exception in exceptional cases.
3. Add the label `wait-1-week`.
4. If the uptime is more than 95% (8 hours) after 1 week the instance can be normally added back and remove it from the custom file.  
   If not do not add the instance.