sebastianrosch / FIWARE.Orion.Client

.NET portable client library for the FIWARE Orion Context Broker
MIT License
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A .NET portable client library for the FIWARE Orion Context Broker


This is a .NET portable library for the FIWARE Orion Context Broker. Orion exposes interfaces to receive, query and subscribe for context updates.

This client works with the Globale Instance of Orion as well as with any other deployed instance.

For more information about Orion, please consult the following documents:

GitHub Repository:

FIWARE Catalogue:

FIWARE User Guide:


Get the Nuget package here:

Id: FIWARE.Orion.Client


1. Configure the client

To connect to the Global Instance of Orion, create a new configuration by providing your access token from the FIWARE Lab Account.

Read this tutorial to learn how to get a token:

    OrionClient.OrionConfig config = new OrionClient.OrionConfig()

    OrionClient client = new OrionClient(config);

To connect to your own instance, configure the base url and your access token, if required.

    OrionClient.OrionConfig config = new OrionClient.OrionConfig()
      Token = "YOUR_ORION_TOKEN",
      BaseUrl = "http://x.x.x.x:1026"

    OrionClient client = new OrionClient(config);

2. Send a Context Update

    ContextUpdate create = new ContextUpdate()
      UpdateAction = UpdateActionTypes.APPEND,
      ContextElements = new List<ContextElement>(){
        new ContextElement(){
          Type = "Room",
          IsPattern = false,
          Id = "Room1",
          Attributes = new List<Orion.Client.Models.ContextAttribute>(){
            new Orion.Client.Models.ContextAttribute(
              Name = "temperature",
              Type = "string",
              Value = "23",

    ContextResponses createResponses = await client.UpdateContextAsync(create);

3. Query the Context Broker

    ContextQuery query = new ContextQuery()
            Entities = new List<ContextQueryEntity>(){
                new ContextQueryEntity(){
                    Type = "Room",
                    IsPattern = true,
                    Id = "Room.*",
            Attributes = new List<string>()

    ContextResponses queryResponses = await client.QueryAsync(query);

4. Create a subscription

        ContextSubscription subscription = new ContextSubscription()
            Entities = new List<ContextQueryEntity>()
                new ContextQueryEntity(){
                    Type = "Room",
                    IsPattern = true,
                    Id = "Room.*"
            Attributes = new List<string>() { 
            Reference = "YOUR_CALLBACK_URI",
            Duration = SubscriptionDurations.OneMonth,
            NotifyConditions = new List<NotifyCondition>()
                new NotifyCondition(){
                    Type = NotifyConditionTypes.ONCHANGE,
                    ConditionValues = new List<string>(){ "temperature"}
            Throttling = SubscriptionThrottlingTypes.PT5S

        ContextSubscriptionResponse subscriptionResponse = await client.SubscribeAsync(subscription);