sebbaum / generator-laravel-5

Scaffold Laravel 5.7 applications with ease.
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Installs Laravel-5 with a bunch of useful packages and enables BrowserSync


First, install Yeoman and generator-laravel-5 using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-laravel-5

Then generate your new project:

yo laravel-5


You can choose from where your application is served:

Integrated packages

The following packages are integrated in the new Laravel project by default:

Laravel Telescope

Laravel Telescope is integrated for Laravel 5.7+ applications. Make sure to run the migration manually, after having prepared and configured your database.
Laravel Telescope runs with the default configuration. Only php artisan telescope:install has been executed during the setup routine. You can open the telescope GUI via: http(s)://your-domain/telescope.

phpmetrics analyzes

In order to perform a code analyzes with phpmetrics you can run:

composer analyze

This will create a folder named phpmetrics and you can get interesting insights by opening phpmetrics/index.html

Code style check and fixing

In order to have a clean and shiny code style, your generated Laravel 5 application comes with EasyCodingStandard support.
You can check your code with the following command: composer run-script ecsCheck This checks the whole project and applies some basic check configurations. You can tweak the check configuration in the easy-coding-standard.yml file.

In order to fix your code style, you can run composer run-script ecsFix.

You can also run easyCodingStandard and pass other configuration by calling the tool directly:

vendor/bin/ecs check app --config vendor/symplify/easy-coding-standard/config/clean-code.yml
vendor/bin/ecs check app --config vendor/symplify/easy-coding-standard/config/clean-code.yml --fix

For more information, please consult the official documentation.


Another useful php package that is integrated out of the box is spatie/phpunit-watcher. With this tool, you can watch changes in *.php and test files and all your automated tests will be triggered to run. You can start phpunit-watcher with:

vendor/bin/phpunit-watcher watch

For more information have a look at the official documentation:

Frontend development with browserSync

If you serve your application with php artisan serve (http://localhost:8000) you have to start this first before you can start watching your files with browserSync.

In order to have webpack watch your file changes and reload your browser, run npm run watch. You have to open your browser an navigate to http:localhost:3000

Git versioning

If you want to, you can initialize a local git repository to version your code. This is turned on by default. After scaffolding your new laravel application there is an initial commit in your local repository.


Apache-2.0 © Sebastian Baum