sebeksd / Multi-Keyboard-For-AutoHotkey

Multi unique keyboard support for AutoHotkey
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[Bug?] Keyboard ID changes on system reboot, when keyboard is connected to a USB hub. #7

Open KenDingel opened 2 months ago

KenDingel commented 2 months ago

Hello, I am encountering a bug that makes keyboards not match the config after rebooting my system; specifically if they are plugged into a USB hub.

I found that the system ID numbers were changing when I unplug the entire hub and plug it back in. The work around I found was the plug the keyboard directly into my computer. By looking at the ID when I used the hub, I couldn't find a consistent change in the ID name, but I am probably wrong here.

(Note this may be due to a bad hub as its a pretty inexpensive option)

Additionally, I want to thank you for this project. It's been massive to my workflow and would've required $100 usb adapter or a fancy keyboard to work. I got a label maker and a cheap keyboard which is working really well for me.