sebgutierrez / Scorched-Earth

A deep learning web app for forecasting temperature based off of ERA5-Land data.
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Scorched Earth / Weather Wizard

A deep learning web app for predicting future temperatures based off of ERA5-Land data

Cloning the repository

Create a directory for the project

$ mkdir weather-wizard
$ cd weather-wizard

Copy the project URL by clicking the green button to clone it

$ git clone

Running the website

Move to the client directory

$ cd client

Install required packages

$ npm install

Run server

$ npm run dev

Open on browser by CTRL+Clicking the localhost:port link.

Running the backend

On another terminal, move to the server directory

$ cd server

Create a virtual environment (on Windows)

$ python -m venv venv

Activate the virtual environment (on Windows)

$ source venv/Scripts/activate

Install requirements

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the script

$ python

Unlike with vite, you must restart the server for any changes to to be reflected. Simply repeat the last step.

To deactivate the virtual environment

$ deactivate


The site is currently static while we get the AccuWeather API and other models working.

Downloading data from CDS

We used the CDS API to collect our data []. Repo doesn't come with the dataset, thus you will have to download your own data if you would like to train your data using our models. This is not needed to run the app.