Diaspora* on Raspberry PI
- Diaspora* is a self-hosted, federated social network. (pretty much a facebook clone where you own your data)
- Raspberry PI is a low cost home server solution.
The goal of this guide is to install Diaspora* on a raspberry PI to self-host you own "pod" for you and your familly.
- a Raspberry PI (v3 or v4)
- an microSD card (minimum recommanded size : 32G)
- ability to configure your box/modem
- a public domain name resolving to your box
Just during the installation phase :
- a TV or an hdmi screen
- an usb keyboard
Prepare the raspberry PI
- Download the raspbian image
- Install the image:
- plug the keyboard and the screen into the rPI
- put the microSD card into the rPI
- put the microUSB cord and the power plug in place
- once the PI is started connect as pi
- password: raspberry (warning the keyboard is in US qwerty so mind your typing)
sudo raspi-config
- Do Step 4-3 (Localisation Options - Change Keyboard Layout) and setup accordingly
- You might want to do the others options in the step 4 too
- Do step 1 (the pi/raspberry combo is known by the bad guys...)
- If you connect over wifi, then do step 2-2
- It's a good idea to enable 5-2 (Interfacing Options - SSH) if you plan on removing the keyboard and the screen from the pi
- Use
to select the Finish
Prepare your box
- Make sure your rPI will keep a static IP
- use the port-fordwing feature of your box to forward ports 80 and 443 to your rPI.
(Steps details depends on your box)
Install steps
apt-get update
apt-get install -y ansible git python3-apt
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/sebt3/diaspora-pi.git
cd diaspora-pi
Edit the configuration
Edit the file inventory
and set domain
and email
nano inventory
Start the install
ansible-playbook -i inventory install.yaml
Please be patient
On the first startup diaspora will need over 10mn to be ready to use