secastel / aFC

Calculates allelic Fold Change (aFC) using standard input files for fastQTL.
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allelic Fold Change

Calculates allelic Fold Change (aFC) using standard input files for fastQTL.

Please see our paper Genome Research for details and benchmarking of the method.

Method developed by Pejman Mohmammadi, software by Stephane E. Castel both in the Lappalainen Lab at the New York Genome Center and Columbia University Department of Systems Biology.

Runs on Python 2.7.x and 3.x, and has the following dependencies: pandas, statsmodels, scikits.bootstrap, NumPy, pysam.


Requires tabix indexed gzip compressed VCF file containing genotypes and BED file containing phenotypes, identical to the inputs of fastQTL, and a list of QTL to calculate aFC for. If provided, covariates will be regressed out of the phenotype values. Outputs the aFC and corresponding 95% confidence interval for each input QTL.




Output File