second-state / runw

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RUNW is a OCI compatible runtime for running WASI enabled WebAssembly files inside a container envrionment. We will demonstrate how to use it with the CRI-O tools.

Getting Started


Please install the following tools for container management.

Use pre-built runw


Our pre-built binary is based on ubuntu 20.04 with the following dependencies:

You need to install the dependencies with:

sudo apt install -y \
        llvm-10-dev \

Get pre-built runw from the release page


If you are not on Ubuntu 20.04, you will need to build your own RUNW binary. Follow instructions in the appendix.

Install runw into cri-o

# Get the wasm-pause utility
sudo crictl pull

# Install runw into cri-o
sudo cp -v runw /usr/lib/cri-o-runc/sbin/runw
sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/cri-o-runc/sbin/runw
sudo sed -i -e 's@default_runtime = "runc"@default_runtime = "runw"@' /etc/crio/crio.conf
sudo sed -i -e 's@pause_image = ""@pause_image = ""@' /etc/crio/crio.conf
sudo sed -i -e 's@pause_command = "/pause"@pause_command = "pause.wasm"@' /etc/crio/crio.conf
sudo tee -a /etc/crio/crio.conf.d/01-crio-runc.conf <<EOF
runtime_path = "/usr/lib/cri-o-runc/sbin/runw"
runtime_type = "oci"
runtime_root = "/run/runw"

Restart cri-o

sudo systemctl restart crio


Simple Wasi Application

In this example, we would like to demostrate how to create a simple rust application to get program arguments, retrieve environment variables, generate random number, print string to stdout, and create a file.

For creating the container image and application details, please refer to Simple Wasi Application.

Download wasi-main docker image

We've create a docker image called wasi-main which is a very light docker image with the wasi_example_main.wasm file.

sudo crictl pull

Create container config

Create a file called container_wasi.json with the following content:

  "metadata": {
    "name": "podsandbox1-wasm-wasi"
  "image": {
    "image": "hydai/wasm-wasi-example:latest"
  "args": [
    "wasi_example_main.wasm", "50000000"
  "working_dir": "/",
  "envs": [],
  "labels": {
    "tier": "backend"
  "annotations": {
    "pod": "podsandbox1"
  "log_path": "",
  "stdin": false,
  "stdin_once": false,
  "tty": false,
  "linux": {
    "resources": {
      "memory_limit_in_bytes": 209715200,
      "cpu_period": 10000,
      "cpu_quota": 20000,
      "cpu_shares": 512,
      "oom_score_adj": 30,
      "cpuset_cpus": "0",
      "cpuset_mems": "0"
    "security_context": {
      "namespace_options": {
        "pid": 1
      "readonly_rootfs": false,
      "capabilities": {
        "add_capabilities": [

Create sandbox configuration file

Create a file called sandbox_config.json with the following content:

  "metadata": {
    "name": "podsandbox12",
    "uid": "redhat-test-crio",
    "namespace": "redhat.test.crio",
    "attempt": 1
  "hostname": "crictl_host",
  "log_directory": "",
  "dns_config": {
    "searches": [
  "port_mappings": [],
  "resources": {
    "cpu": {
      "limits": 3,
      "requests": 2
    "memory": {
      "limits": 50000000,
      "requests": 2000000
  "labels": {
    "group": "test"
  "annotations": {
    "owner": "hmeng",
    "": "unconfined"
  "linux": {
    "cgroup_parent": "pod_123-456.slice",
    "security_context": {
      "namespace_options": {
        "network": 0,
        "pid": 1,
        "ipc": 0
      "selinux_options": {
        "user": "system_u",
        "role": "system_r",
        "type": "svirt_lxc_net_t",
        "level": "s0:c4,c5"

Create cri-o POD

# Create the POD. Output will be different from example.
sudo crictl runp sandbox_config.json
# Set a helper variable for later use.

Create Container

# Create the container instance. Output will be different from example.
sudo crictl create $POD_ID container_wasi.json sandbox_config.json

Start Container

# List the container, the state should be `Created`
sudo crictl ps -a

CONTAINER           IMAGE                           CREATED              STATE               NAME                     ATTEMPT             POD ID
1d056e4a8a168       hydai/wasm-wasi-example:latest   About a minute ago   Created             podsandbox1-wasm-wasi   0                   7992e75df00cc

# Start the container
sudo crictl start 1d056e4a8a168f0c76af122d42c98510670255b16242e81f8e8bce8bd3a4476f

# Check the container status again.
# If the container is not finishing its job, you will see the Running state
# Because this example is very tiny. You may see Exited at this moment.
sudo crictl ps -a
CONTAINER           IMAGE                           CREATED              STATE               NAME                     ATTEMPT             POD ID
1d056e4a8a168       hydai/wasm-wasi-example:latest   About a minute ago   Running             podsandbox1-wasm-wasi   0                   7992e75df00cc

# When the container is finished. You can see the state becomes Exited.
sudo crictl ps -a
CONTAINER           IMAGE                           CREATED              STATE               NAME                     ATTEMPT             POD ID
1d056e4a8a168       hydai/wasm-wasi-example:latest   About a minute ago   Exited              podsandbox1-wasm-wasi   0                   7992e75df00cc

# Check the container's logs
sudo crictl logs 1d056e4a8a168f0c76af122d42c98510670255b16242e81f8e8bce8bd3a4476f

Test 1: Print Random Number
Random number: 960251471

Test 2: Print Random Bytes
Random bytes: [50, 222, 62, 128, 120, 26, 64, 42, 210, 137, 176, 90, 60, 24, 183, 56, 150, 35, 209, 211, 141, 146, 2, 61, 215, 167, 194, 1, 15, 44, 156, 27, 179, 23, 241, 138, 71, 32, 173, 159, 180, 21, 198, 197, 247, 80, 35, 75, 245, 31, 6, 246, 23, 54, 9, 192, 3, 103, 72, 186, 39, 182, 248, 80, 146, 70, 244, 28, 166, 197, 17, 42, 109, 245, 83, 35, 106, 130, 233, 143, 90, 78, 155, 29, 230, 34, 58, 49, 234, 230, 145, 119, 83, 44, 111, 57, 164, 82, 120, 183, 194, 201, 133, 106, 3, 73, 164, 155, 224, 218, 73, 31, 54, 28, 124, 2, 38, 253, 114, 222, 217, 202, 59, 138, 155, 71, 178, 113]

Test 3: Call an echo function
Printed from wasi: This is from a main function
This is from a main function

Test 4: Print Environment Variables
The env vars are as follows.
PATH: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
TERM: xterm
HOSTNAME: crictl_host
PATH: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
The args are as follows.

Test 5: Create a file `/tmp.txt` with content `This is in a file`

Test 6: Read the content from the previous file
File content is This is in a file

Test 7: Delete the previous file


Build from source

Get Source Code

$ git clone
$ cd runw
$ git checkout 0.1.1

Prepare the environment

Use our docker image

Our docker image use ubuntu 20.04 as the base.

$ docker pull secondstate/runw

Or setup the environment manually

# Tools and libraries
$ sudo apt install -y \
        software-properties-common \
        cmake \
        libboost-all-dev \

# And you will need to install llvm
$ sudo apt install -y \
        llvm-10-dev \

# RUNW supports both clang++ and g++ compilers
# You can choose one of them for building this project
$ sudo apt install -y gcc g++
$ sudo apt install -y clang

Build RUNW

# After pulling our runw docker image
$ docker run -it --rm \
    -v <path/to/your/runw/source/folder>:/root/runw \
(docker)$ cd /root/runw
(docker)$ mkdir -p build && cd build
(docker)$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. && make -j
(docker)$ exit