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[BUG-10869] Intermittent failure to leave or join groups which has been occuring gridwide over the last few days. #1154

Open sl-service-account opened 8 years ago

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

{panel:title=Grid Status Update| borderStyle=solid| borderColor=#080808| titleBGColor=#ff2500| bgColor=#fff68f}

Unscheduled Group Maintenance [Posted 7:13 PM PST, 11 December 2015] We are aware that some residents may be experiencing some issues with leaving, inviting, and rejecting from groups inworld. This situation is being investigated. Please continue to check this blog for updates. {panel}




Original Jira Fields | Field | Value | | ------------- | ------------- | | Issue | BUG-10869 | | Summary | Intermittent failure to leave or join groups which has been occuring gridwide over the last few days. | | Type | Bug | | Priority | Unset | | Status | Needs More Info | | Resolution | Unresolved | | Reporter | Whirly Fizzle (whirly.fizzle) | | Created at | 2015-12-05T22:58:20Z | | Updated at | 2017-07-07T15:51:38Z | ``` { 'Business Unit': ['Platform'], 'Date of First Response': '2015-12-05T17:31:09.085-0600', 'ReOpened Count': 0.0, 'Severity': 'Unset', 'System': 'SL Simulator', 'Target Viewer Version': 'viewer-development', 'What just happened?': '...', 'What were you doing when it happened?': 'Filling in...', 'What were you expecting to happen instead?': '...', } ```
sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-12-05T23:21:32Z, updated at 2015-12-06T23:22:15Z

Also to note, when this group join/leave problem occurs, this also coincides with increased reports of the following:

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Willow Wilder commented at 2015-12-05T23:31:09Z

I think this goes back further than the past few days. Initial reports in Firestorm Support English (and personal experience) started during the Thanksgiving holidays. It was difficult to narrow it down to somewhere between the main channel server roll on Tuesday the 23rd and " holiday weekend traffic". It did abate somewhat during the early part of this week but has rapidly escalated again during the past few days.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-12-05T23:38:01Z, updated at 2015-12-05T23:38:15Z

Yeah I agree. Whatever this is, I don't really think it's to do with groups as such either - that's just the side effect people are reporting the most. The teleport timing out problem especially seem to go hand in hand with whatever is causing the group backend slowness.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Jae Somerset commented at 2015-12-06T00:08:57Z

im having the same issue as well when will this be fixed because i just made a major purchase in sl and in order to get sutoemr support i have to be in there group and well i cant get help with my product till i add the group please fix this right away thank you

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Kaiden Diavolo commented at 2015-12-06T00:49:55Z, updated at 2015-12-06T00:50:26Z

This happened to me in the LL official viewer as well as FS and Ctrl-Alt-Studio. I was hoping switching viewers would help but it didn't.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Rosie Gray commented at 2015-12-06T00:51:07Z

I have ability assigned within a group to be able to remove others from roles, but it will not work. I can select the persons name, and the role to remove (and they would still belong to the 'everyone' role), but it will not save. It allows the 'save' to be selected, but it does not work.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Ted McKenna commented at 2015-12-06T00:51:33Z

Can no add any one to specific rols in our groups when I do it show they have been added then when I refreash it disappers. I have three staff groups I need to be able to work with at this point I cant do a thing.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Rosie Gray commented at 2015-12-06T00:52:35Z

I also have the ability to change the abilities in most of the roles of a group, but again, I can select the abilities to change, say to 'safe', but it just doesn't work.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-12-06T00:58:10Z

Confirmed making changes to role abilities and adding/removing members from group roles is also failing to save. I'll add that to the list in my first comment.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Matikka commented at 2015-12-06T01:21:37Z

I too am having all the same issues as noted above

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Foxie Bluebird commented at 2015-12-06T01:35:45Z, updated at 2015-12-06T01:54:56Z

Teleport failures and very slow profile and search load times.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Shadow Siamendes commented at 2015-12-06T02:05:21Z

I have also experienced the group leaving issue and it occured around 4 or 5 days ago. I would right click and Left, confirmation poped up, chose Yes and one sec later the group was back. Subsequent attempts resulted the same. Changing active group also failed at that time. At that moment I didn't bother to report as I was about to log off, but now I see it was a wider issue. Also, a few days ago I experienced intermitent teleport issues. Around 3 or 4 attempts to leave a certain sim failed, to different destinations, but it occasionally worked and I took it just as the "common" hiccupts that occour once and them.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

TakodaLittlecloud commented at 2015-12-06T02:10:25Z

Same issues as noted above in both large and small groups. Unable to leave groups, groups re-appearing after leaving them.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Mach Nansen commented at 2015-12-06T20:11:07Z

Lots of trouble to tp, viewing group and personal profiles. Sometimes I found that doing a Websearch then teleport from the sites page in Websearch is more successful.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

kellymysterious commented at 2015-12-06T21:06:31Z

I have just noticed today, 12/06/15, that i can't leave any groups or change to show in profile or not. I am not having any problems TPing places, just the group issue. I am using the Firestorm Viewer

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Jason1 Draconia commented at 2015-12-06T22:03:55Z

I have been trying to invite people to a group today and soon as i change to the group in my groups list and into Info on it once the invite window opens I get sent back to my previous group and cannot send any invites. Tried on both firestorm and SL viewer.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-12-06T22:20:37Z

Users in FSE are reporting that when they attempt to join a group, the group join fails with the following error message: Unable to invite users because at least one user is in a different limited estate than the group.

Ref: BUG-5869 Currently this happens when a user is just trying to join a group though. BUG-5869 was fixed a long time ago.

Is something on fire in the server room? ;)

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Ayesha Askham commented at 2015-12-06T23:11:10Z, updated at 2015-12-06T23:12:07Z

I don't know if this issue is related to the foregoing but tonight Sunday Dec 6th a notice was issued in the Pony Info Group containing a LM. That LM never arrived in inventory and the notice does not appear in most people's view of the group profile. I have reports that some people see the notice but they are a small minority. I am using FS 4.7.5, but others affected are using Singularity and the Linden Viewer current release.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Kimmie Rayna commented at 2015-12-07T00:09:50Z

Adding my name to the list of people having the same trouble. I will check back with my groups in a few hours.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Ettanin Blackcinder commented at 2015-12-07T00:13:44Z

Getting ejected doesn't seem to work either

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

FadedPaintedDoll commented at 2015-12-07T00:21:53Z, updated at 2015-12-07T00:23:55Z

I am having all of the issues above, plus I cannot access group-limited land despite being the owner of the group. It was fine this morning.... EDIT: The land owner can access the land, but other owners and members of the group cannot.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Annabel Coveria commented at 2015-12-07T00:33:52Z, updated at 2015-12-07T00:34:17Z

I also am experiencing the same issue with leaving or joining groups takes several attempts to join some groups, the tag doesnt show and then i am unable to leave the group.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

masha.eilde commented at 2015-12-07T00:40:59Z

This just happened to me when inviting someone to my land group. It shows as added on his profile, but his name is nowhere in the group info floater. He's unable to leave the group himself. We'll wait a few hours and see if it self resolves.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Chastity Silverfall commented at 2015-12-07T00:44:03Z

I joined a group for a midnight manina bord and now it wont let me leave the group it just says unable to leave group: Ejectee is not in the group yet it still shows up in my list and everything.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Reven Rosca commented at 2015-12-07T10:13:40Z

I have had issues related to joining groups on several occasions on two accounts. It took three attempts to join one group (on invitation) before I was let in, and two on another. In one of these cases, my active group tag didn't change when I eventually was able to join.

I have issues that may or may not be related: Changing group tags doesn't always stick. My tag changes, but I don't have any group abilities. I can't rez and objects that are set to group only won't accept me as having the correct group active. In other cases I may be able to rez, but not TP into parcels restricted to group. If I relog, and sometimes after a TP, I find myself wearing the tag I switched from. Switching to a third group and back seems to help in some cases, but this might be a coincidence. Group size doesn't matter, as I have the same problems with my private land group with <10 members (I am owner) as with large groups. The issues have been intermittent over the last week or so.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Winterharte commented at 2015-12-07T23:08:20Z

I am continuing to have issues with not being able to leave or join a group and my group tag not sticking. This happens in Firestorm, Singularity, and SL viewers.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Caleb Linden commented at 2015-12-08T20:39:56Z

Leaving open for more comments

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Ayesha Askham commented at 2015-12-08T21:48:49Z

Thankyou Caleb.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Lucky Laburnum commented at 2015-12-08T22:21:13Z

I have been having the same issues with Firestorm64 4.7.5 on a cable connection, especially trying to join a new group. I press the 'Join Now' button then confirm the resulting dialog box, I get a confirmation notification that I have been added to the group but then the group profile returns with the 'Join Now' button still enabled. Furthermore, my active group changes to another group that I have recently been in, but not the one I was in when I tried to join. It has been persistent now for around 15 mins for 2 groups I'm tying to join and on 2 different sims.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-12-09T00:23:01Z

This problem was discussed at the Simulator usergroup today. Here are the relevant parts of the meeting transcript:

A[20:37:26] Cam Mode: sorry I was late - is group join/leave issues solved ?
A[20:37:42] Lucia Nightfire: not that I know of
A[20:38:05] Lucia Nightfire: was about to ask why are teh data servers being slow for the last 2 weeks
A[20:38:08] Simon Linden: Hi Cam ... no, those are caused by a database overload and isn't fixed yet
A[20:38:19] Simon Linden: I was actually working on that this morning
A[20:38:50] Lucia Nightfire: so its a bug? or someone's spam is ddossing the,?
A[20:38:56] Lucia Nightfire: *them
A[20:39:35] Simon Linden: it's a long story, actually
A[20:39:49] Lucia Nightfire: is it LL's fault? heh
A[20:39:49] Simon Linden: but comes down to scaling issues
A[20:40:16] Lucia Nightfire: sounds like Experience KVP use ramped up beyond expefctations, heh
A[20:40:32] Simon Linden: that's actually not a problem
A[20:40:39] Lucia Nightfire: great, lol
A[20:40:44] Simon Linden: but group info continues to be an issue
A[20:41:08] Simon Linden: and design ... it doesn't make sense that we basically treat a group with 100k people in it the same as 10 people
A[20:41:21] MB Robonaught: 0.o
A[20:41:39] Cam Mode: would hiding members who haven't logged in in ,like three years, help?
A[20:41:43] Simon Linden: there are some things that just take more time with a large group
A[20:42:21] Duckie Dickins: personally an ability to purge inactive users would be awesome. :D
A[20:42:23] Simon Linden: it helps a bit, Cam, and we have a tool that can remove members that haven't logged in for a while
A[20:42:23] Lexbot Sinister: any load that crops up exponentially with number of members?
A[20:42:51] Simon Linden: but guess what ... big shopping groups don't like that because there are also a lot of people that come back to SL after some time away
A[20:43:16] Simon Linden: Yes Lex, there are plenty of non-linear ways it grows
A[20:43:28] MB Robonaught: is this related to the problem where bans from groups or regions mysteriously get removed?
A[20:43:38] Simon Linden: no, I don't think so
A[20:43:44] MB Robonaught: ok
A[20:44:14] Simon Linden: you're talking about a couple of accounts, right, not the whole list?
A[20:44:40] MB Robonaught: me?
A[20:44:51] Simon Linden: yes
A[20:44:57] Cam Mode: maybe when they log in after 5 years growing carrots somewhere they could get an email ; Glad you are back- rejoin " Prim Pants Group"? That would market the group and in the meantime lessed the group load
A[20:45:13] Cam Mode: lessen*
A[20:45:16] MB Robonaught: just a few names...most older bans of a year or more
A[20:45:28] Simon Linden: right, thanks
A[20:45:38] MB Robonaught: that's why I asked if it was db overload
A[20:46:01] Simon Linden: Yes Cam we've discussed something like that ... it gets complicated and turns into a big project, unfortunatelyi
A[20:47:04] Lexbot Sinister: Someone inactive could get kicked out of their groups, and receive a list with URI's to all the groups where they used to be members, with the exception of pay-to-join groups... although some groups might turn to pay to join later and there would be dramaz...
A[20:47:24] Simon Linden: yeah pay-to-join adds another complication
A[20:47:40] Lexbot Sinister: and closed groups, too
A[20:48:15] Lucia Nightfire: idt private groups are the problem
A[20:48:23] Simon Linden: and roles ... imagine you're in a group, go inactive, we pull you out of the group, someone re-designs the roles, and you come back ....
A[20:48:34] Kallista Destiny: Or instead of recieving a set of URL they could just be reinstated into the groups that they were in.
A[20:48:56] Kallista Destiny: You would have been reassigned
A[20:49:15] Lexbot Sinister: Yeah, i don't see it working out... suddenly comming back as an officer and there would be chaos. And nobody would know what the heck did just happen
A[20:49:35] Lucia Nightfire: it happens with banned accts, heh
A[20:49:41] Simon Linden: it's really small vs. large groups, like the change around getting the member list. It's perfectly reasonable for 50 people, but not for 50,000
A[20:49:55] Lexbot Sinister: One would need to code in so many exceptions into it, that it's really... not feasible
A[20:49:59] Kallista Destiny: At least as the everybody role.
A[20:50:02] Lucia Nightfire: they come back at whatever role they had prior, not sure what happens with custom roles
A[20:50:15] Simon Linden: that's exactly the thought process we've been through, Lex
A[20:50:16] Lexbot Sinister: LOL Lucy
A[20:50:41] Lexbot Sinister: that ought to be fun .....
A[20:50:47] Simon Linden: I have an errand I need to do and so must leave a bit early today
A[20:50:51] Kallista Destiny: Some people have multiple roles, it's not clear if that information is stored in their account or in the group account.
A[20:51:03] MB Robonaught: thanks simon for the help °͜°
A[20:51:08] Simon Linden: it's all part of the big database, Kallista
A[20:51:32] Simon Linden: there are a few different database tables for groups... and they get used pretty hard
A[20:51:35] MB Robonaught: if you look at the LL DB you'll see god °͜°
A[20:51:35] Lexbot Sinister: although it is a little odd that the issues crop up now, no? It's not like SL is growing
A[20:51:49] Simon Linden: apparently group usage is
A[20:51:50] Kallista Destiny: Oh so there are nto slices for avatars and a different slice for groups?
A[20:52:13] Simon Linden: thanks everyone for the good chat this week
A[20:52:16] Cam Mode: What is the percentage active in the giant groups though- aren't those mainly inactive accounts/ Maybe remove only everybody people, no officers etc. But basically, is this "scaleable"--- solveable?
A[20:52:16] Simon Linden: I'll see you next time
A[20:52:19] MB Robonaught: bye simon °͜°
A[20:52:25] Kallista Destiny: Tahanks Simon and Rider.
A[20:52:33] Simon Linden: it's 75-95%, Cam
A[20:52:35] Nalates Urriah: Thx, bye
A[20:52:36] Lexbot Sinister: Well... when we can join more groups, we do. I suppose thats it? It's not too great though that while Sl population is shrinking, the group usage grows out of proportions
A[20:52:38] MB Robonaught: bye everyone
A[20:52:38] Simon Linden: varies a lot
A[20:52:45] Rider Linden: Thanks all.
sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Henri Beauchamp commented at 2015-12-09T20:06:36Z

Same issue here: for a few days (over a week), changing groups and worst, group tags, became almost impossible during high concurrency hours. It's not just a group issue however: it looks like the whole UDP messaging backend on LL's side is overloaded during peak concurrency hours; for example, (non-web) profiles take age to load. Did LL remove UDP servers ? If the answer is yes, then pretty please, put them back online urgently !

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

rectorarrowsmith.wasp commented at 2015-12-10T01:02:11Z

Same issue just appeared with me at unable to change group name tag

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

FadedPaintedDoll commented at 2015-12-11T00:39:40Z

The past couple of days for me, most of the issues above seem to be resolved, but the issue with group tags is persisting. At times, I cannot change my group tag for hours, which leads to issues with building, etc. It also took almost a full day for a new group I created to be usable, it was just titled "new group" and wouldn't let me do anything with it.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Sinful Rhapsody commented at 2015-12-11T19:17:17Z

December 11th - Can't tp to and from various locations. Group information is not loading, Notices are not appearing and profiles won't load. I also have rezzing issued EG: Items staying grayed out for longer than usual or not loading at all.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

lesbo Charisma commented at 2015-12-11T20:29:15Z

THere really are too many bugs to list happening at the moment. SLow textures, failed teleporting, attachments vanishing on sim crossing. Lag, incredible lag. Even sound takes several minutes to catch up when first logging in. Group notices and members not loading, profiles not loading and I have never experienced profiles not loading for me in my 5 years on SL. It just seems like Second Life is devolving.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

sundancekid20092009 commented at 2015-12-11T20:41:21Z

all of the above. cant leave group or add group. then cant tp or tp is slow. it hangs up.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Surfaqua Oh commented at 2015-12-11T23:19:10Z

Hello, i have i too many probleme to add a groupe, and i have change a sim, and disconnection and wait and wait to add only a groupe, is a very big bug Or SL Server is overload! I would say it's an overload, for it is not as groups, but also, Profile, inventory, teleport

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Daisy Brune commented at 2015-12-11T23:36:27Z

Group notices are not saving to the notice list after sending. They appear to be going out but cannot access them in the notice list afterwards.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Lucky Laburnum commented at 2015-12-12T01:51:40Z

I just noticed that when I try to leave a group, it disappears from my group list then re-appears again a second later. The Group Titles list also refreshes twice when this happens.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Angelicstorm commented at 2015-12-12T03:11:52Z

I have issue of making a group then it not loading or not able invite people or make new roles.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2015-12-12T03:28:27Z

Grid status update

Unscheduled Group Maintenance [Posted 7:13 PM PST, 11 December 2015] We are aware that some residents may be experiencing some issues with leaving, inviting, and rejecting from groups inworld. This situation is being investigated. Please continue to check this blog for updates.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

studly.lockjaw commented at 2015-12-12T03:47:04Z

unable to leave groups... and trouble joining new groups... took a relog to get one group to complete the join process but still can't leave any groups. with the limit number of groups these at times can be almost like gold...

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Antoinette Lioncourt commented at 2015-12-12T03:59:32Z

i was able to cope with the inconvenience of having to occasionally relog to resolve the leaving groups issue but it has now become impossible to even use that workaround over the last day. This issue has been known for several days now and i find it intolerable that LL can still ignore basic issues and have to wait until something actually 'breaks' before they decide to do anything :(

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Reven Rosca commented at 2015-12-12T14:07:44Z, updated at 2015-12-12T14:23:56Z

Wearing group tags where the group name has one or more asterisks (*) seems to fail 99% of the time. I'm uncertain if this is a coincidence or not.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

BettiRaige commented at 2015-12-12T19:31:01Z

This has been an issue since Nov. How is it that it has not been fixed? Not being able to join/leave/or wear group tags during the BIGGEST gift giving time of the year is just ruining the whole sl experience. So many events, hunts, and advents require the ability to wear a group/join a group .

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Paige Alderbury commented at 2016-05-21T18:07:54Z

I am still having an ability to change/add/remove tags at all. Is this still going on?

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2016-05-22T20:00:13Z

@Paige Alderbury This problem is pretty much fixed now. Occasionally you may have a failure to change tag, leave or join a group on first attempt but it happens very infrequently now.

Try changing tags on a different region & see if that helps. If not, which viewer are you using? If you are using a TPV with RLV enabled, make sure you are not under any active RLV restrictions that forbid changing group tags or joining or leaving groups.

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Paige Alderbury commented at 2016-05-23T03:25:59Z, updated at 2016-05-23T03:29:59Z

I have tried changing tags on many regions. I am using Firestorm, but have the same issue on Singular. I am under no restrictions. Still having a problem. Thanks for your reply :)

sl-service-account commented 8 years ago

Whirly Fizzle commented at 2016-05-23T12:25:39Z

Are you able to change tags the Linden Lab viewer?

Are you able to join & leave groups? If you join a new group, does the new groups tag become active?

sl-service-account commented 7 years ago

Saeros Linden commented at 2017-07-07T00:36:03Z

Our apologies, it appears this jira has been a victim of a spammer. We're cleaning up the offending comments, sorry for the mess!