secvisogram / csaf-validator-service

csaf-validator-service is a REST-based service that can be used to check whether a given CSAF 2.0 document is valid.
MIT License
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csaf csaf-basic-validator csaf-extended-validator csaf-full-validator mit-license

BSI Secvisogram CSAF Validator Service

About the project

This is a service to validate documents against the CSAF standard. It uses the csaf-validator-lib under the hood which is included as a git subtree module.

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Getting started

To run the validator service you basically need the same as for developing.

To manage the process you can use Docker or an init system of your choice.

You most likely also want to run this behind a reverse proxy to handle TLS termination or CORS headers if the service is accessed from other domains. See for more information.


The documentation is available as a swagger resource provided by the service itself under /docs. So once the server is running, visit http://localhost:<config port>/docs in your browser. The default port of the application 8082. See configuration to learn about ways to change it.

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The project uses the config npm package for configuration. It provides a variety of possibilities to inject configuration values e.g. environment variables or environment specific files.


Fastify CORS options can be configured by passing an options object by the name cors

The following options are available: origin, methods, allowedHeaders, exposedHeaders, credentials, maxAge

See Fastify CORS options for more information

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You need at least Node.js version 20 or higher. Nodesource provides binary distributions for various Linux distributions.

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Run server

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Generate documentation

The server needs to be running and the openapi-generator-cli must be installed. The file backend/lib/app.js needs to reflect the target version. Then, you can use the following commands to generate the documentation:

openapi-generator-cli generate -i http://localhost:8082/docs/json -g html -o ./documents/generated/html/
openapi-generator-cli generate -i http://localhost:8082/docs/json -g asciidoc -o ./documents/generated/asciidoc/

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Many tests are integration tests which need a running server. So make sure to start it before running the tests:

npm run dev

Tests are implemented using mocha. They can be run using the following command:

npm test

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Build docker image

docker build -t csaf/validator-service .

Start container

docker run -d -p 8082:8082 --name csaf-validator-service csaf/validator-service

Persist with pm2

If you want to start the service with pm2 you have to adjust the instance_var attribute for pm2. You can do this by adding the following configuration in the backend folder. Depending on the directory you chose, you have to adjust the cwd and NODE_CONFIG_DIR attributes accordingly.

// pm2.config.cjs
module.exports = {
  apps: [
      name: 'csaf-validator-service',
      script: './server.js',
      cwd: '/var/www/csaf-validator-service/backend',
      instance_var: 'INSTANCE_ID',
      env: {
        NODE_ENV: 'development',
        NODE_CONFIG_DIR: '/var/www/csaf-validator-service/backend/config/',
      env_production: {
        NODE_ENV: 'production',
        NODE_CONFIG_DIR: '/var/www/csaf-validator-service/backend/config/',

To start the service execute this command inside the backend directory:

pm2 start pm2.config.js --env production


You can find our guidelines here

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For the complete list of dependencies please take a look at package.json

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