seecloud / availability

Tracks availability of specified services
Apache License 2.0
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Cloud Services Availability

Query clouds services, save their availability data and provide aggregated information via RESTful API


Default location of configuration file is /etc/oss/availability/config.json.

If there is an environment variable AVAILABILITY_CONF set, it is used as priority. In this case it is important to use absolute path to configuration file.


.. code-block::

export AVAILABILITY_CONF=/home/username/oss_configs/availability.json
python availability/

Configuration File Description

Configuration file is plain JSON document which defines Flask <>_, connection to data storage and services quering configuration:

Here is a simple example:

.. code-block::

{ "flask": { "PORT": 5020, "HOST": "", "DEBUG": false }, "backend": { "type": "elastic", "connection": [{"host": "", "port": 9200}] }, "period": 60, "regions": [ { "name": "west-1", "services": [ {"name": "nova", "url": ""}, {"name": "cinder", "url": ""} ] }, { "name": "west-2", "services": [ {"name": "keystone", "url": ""}, {"name": "cinder", "url": ""} ] } ], "connection_timeout": 1, "read_timeout": 10, "logging": { "level": "ERROR" } }


Flask configuration is set via *flask* key and described in
`official documentation <>`_.

The only extra options are *HOST* and *PORT*.


Type of backend (currently only "elastic" is supported). Connection to backend (a list of dicts with host and port keys of Elasticsearch <>_)


Period of services availability check, in seconds. Numeric.


List of services to check, by regions. Each item is an object with the following properties:


Number of seconds to wait until connection is established


Number of seconds for reading connection response


Logging configuration:

* *level* - set specific logging level

Build Docker Image

To build the image run the following command:

.. code-block:: sh

docker build -t availability:latest .

Run Docker Containers

Edit configuration file in-place in the repository:

.. code-block:: sh

    cd ~/availability/
    cp etc/sample_config.json etc/config.json
    vim etc/config.json

Then run two separate containers with applications:

    docker run -d --name avail-watcher -v $PWD/etc:/etc/availability availability availability-watcher
    docker run -d --name avail-api -v $PWD/etc:/etc/availability -p 5010:5000 availability ./

Or one all-in-one:

    docker run -d --name avail -v $PWD/etc:/etc/availability -p 5010:5000 availability ./