seehar / quill-better-table-plus

fork by quill-better-table. Module for better table in Quill, more useful features are supported.
MIT License
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Note: This is an enhanced (Plus) version of the quill-better-table npm package. The original package has not been maintained for a long time, and this enhanced version will be maintained and updated by me.


quill-better-table-plus is an enhanced version of the Quill rich text editor plugin that provides more powerful and flexible table editing features.It enables users to easily create, edit and format tables, as well as perform more complex table operations.

This package is an enhancement based on the latest available version of the original quill-better-table package, adding a number of new features and fixing a number of known issues to ensure that it is suitable for current environments and needs.


quilljs v2.0.0-dev.3

Online Demo

quill-better-table-plus Codepen Demo


You can install quill-better-table-plus via npm:

npm install quill-better-table-plus


Import Quill and style dependencies

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">


import QuillBetterTablePlus from 'quill-better-table-plus'

  'modules/better-table-plus': QuillBetterTablePlus
}, true)

window.onload = () => {
  const quill = new Quill('#editor-wrapper', {
    theme: 'snow',
    modules: {
      table: false,  // disable table module
      'better-table-plus': {
        operationMenu: {
          items: {
            unmergeCells: {
              text: 'Another unmerge cells name'
      keyboard: {
        bindings: QuillBetterTablePlus.keyboardBindings

    .onclick = () => {
    let tableModule = quill.getModule('better-table-plus')
    tableModule.insertTable(3, 3)

Future Functions

We plan to further enhance quill-better-table-plus by adding the following features in a future release:

We are working hard on these features and will gradually roll them out in future releases. Stay tuned!

If you have any other feature suggestions or ideas, feel free to raise them in the issue, we'd love to hear your feedback and contributions.


Feel free to contribute code and submit issues. If you find any bugs, or have suggestions for improvements, please create an issue or submit a pull request.

Developer note: node version: 12.x, e.g. 12.22.12.


MIT License