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changes to #10

Closed howtohumanbetter closed 7 years ago

howtohumanbetter commented 7 years ago

original: Our programs & services target populations of disconnected individuals (like adults recovering from opioid bonds, retired & older adults, younger adults early in career development, adults of all ages suffering from chronic pain or illness) and intentionally connect people in virtual and real recovery environments.

please change to: Our programs target populations of disconnected individuals and intentionally connects them to each other in virtual and real recovery environments.

humans who can help each other

By deliberately building connecting seekers and listeners, we can create financially self-sustaining communities that promote healing for everyone involved: volunteers, staff, and people actively seeking healing, alike.

howtohumanbetter commented 7 years ago

change the text in the Phase 2 SeekListening box as follows --

original: Connect people in therapeutic relationships that reject the classic medicalization model and emphasizes symbiotic personal growth in both parties.

please change to: Connect people in peer-based therapy relationships that reject the classic medicalization model and emphasizes symbiotic personal growth in both parties.

howtohumanbetter commented 7 years ago

change the text in the Phase 3 Healing Hubs box as follows --

original: Build facilities where people can change their environment completely by living and working (physical labor) in a safe, healthy, and non-dogmatic environment

please change to: Build detox aftercare facilities that are self-sustaining farming communities and which require daily practice of authentic connection experiences.

howtohumanbetter commented 7 years ago

Original: Virtual library that’s easy to navigate and that documents and organizes information about connection-enhancing practices, and then connects the seeker to official community rep for SeekHealing.

please change to: A virtual library of activities, traditions, and practices from all over the world and human culture. The SeekConnection platform catalogs clear and unbiased information about anything that is a "connection booster;" then guides the seeker to volunteers and representatives who can teach them about it; and then connects them to a local community where they can begin to practice it.

Practices and activities that are documented in the library include but are not limited to: exercise & sports science • yoga • natural medicine • Bible study • 12-step programs • parkour • barre • animal healing • equine therapy • open-source programming • mindfulness meditation • dance • painting • martial arts • cognitive behavioral therapy • sound healing • acupuncture • massage • adventure sports • hiking • cooking • learning how to play a musical instrument

howtohumanbetter commented 7 years ago

Please remove the white text over the surfing image: Providing you with resources for authentic connection, like:

Yoga Plant Medicine Bible Study Parkour NA/AA Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Animal healing Martial arts Hip hop dance Sculpture Open-source programming

howtohumanbetter commented 7 years ago

Please add the little double owl under the subehading SeekListening, for consistency.

i want to help

Then replace this text: Mobile app that connect seekers to listeners and healers in their local area. Listeners can switch profile status back to seeker as needed.

with this text: Mobile app that connect seekers to listeners and connection booster reps in their local area. Listeners can switch profile status back to seeker as needed.

and put the little purple guys underneath the text, please.

howtohumanbetter commented 7 years ago

Please remove this text that's currently over the picture:

Sustainable live-work community farms where seekers can:

practice community living with equal opportunity through co-op sustainable farming & building maintenance work guided interaction with the SeekConnection library regular on-site workshops with SeekConnection reps access the global network of SeekConnection reps work with a case manager to develop personalized connection strategy with shortterm and longterm goals access to financing options for implementing their strategy have opportunities to get involved in production, administration, and management functions involved in Hub operation get assistance with small business setup and/or job-hunting get on-site skills training (both discrete technical skills, as well as generalized job-searching and communication skills)

and please change the picture to something like this:

untitled design 32

howtohumanbetter commented 7 years ago

please change the text below Healing Hubs as follows:

original: Practice living life in a more connected way and prepare to transition into a new community of their choice. Healing Hubs require application and approval process for residential stays, are accessible to both resourced and resource-limited seekers, and are available for both short-term and long-term stays.

please change to: Self-sustaining farming communities that leverage the SeekConnection library and SeekListening principles to implement a non-medicalized protocol for recovery. Seekers who live in Hubs will comply with a program that empowers them to rewire their own brains and practice the art of living life in a more connected way. Hub facilities help people transition from detox back to real life, and engage other disconnected groups of people (like retirees and grad students) to thrive together in a healthy & productive community.