This is the source code of the SeekHealing website built using Jekyll.
bundle install # Install Ruby gems/dependencies
jekyll build # Generate site for deployment
jekyll serve # Build and compile the site & assets
Directory | Description |
_data | Directory contains yml files that contain related content that is not within individual pages or posts. |
_includes | Contains several partials that are common to several generated pages. |
_layouts | Contains the templates that are used to generate the commonality of the pages (default is the main one that all the pages use. |
_pages | Contains all non-blog post pages. |
_sass | Contains all the pre-process SASS files for the project. |
_sections | These are custom Jekyll collections that contain logically grouped and associated content |
admin | Contains the configuration needed for NetlifyCMS |
assets/fonts | Contains the customized font libraries for the project. |
assets/js | Contains the js libraries for the project. |
assets/images | Contains all the image files for the site |
css | Contains the base css file holder for the project. |
downlaods | Contains all the downloadable files for the site (ex. - PDFs, DOCs, etc) |
To be written