segin / psymp3
2 stars 1 forks source link


  1. Overview
  2. System Requirements
  3. Notes



PsyMP3 is a simplistic audio media player with a flashy Fourier transform. PsyMP3 2.x is a radical departure from the code of the 1.x series. Whereas 1.x was written in FreeBASIC, 2.x is written in C++, and is portable!

The "2-CURRENT" version tag represents the "bleeding edge" of development. End users shouldn't be using this; please use the last version tagged as -RELEASE. -CURRENT means "This is what I am working on, in whatever state it happens to be in, complete or not."

You can reach me at


    Windows: Windows 10 or later. Windows 7 through 8.1 might work, YMMV.

    Linux, *BSD: The following dependencies are required: SDL 1.2 or later mpg123-1.8 or later taglib-1.6 or later libvisual-0.4 or later libvorbisfile libvorbis libopusfile libopus libogg libFLAC++ libFLAC FreeType 2.4 or later SDL_ttf 1.2 or later SDL_gfx 2.0 or later zlib-1.2.3 or later

    Mac OS X: Not officially supported, but building the dependencies for Linux/BSD with MacPorts might work.

    Building from git requires autoconf-archive for the extended macros.

  2. USAGE

Pass the paths to the MP3s, Ogg Vorbis, or Opus files to be played as program arguments. Audio files will be played in the order they are passed on the command line. All user interaction, aside from clicking the 'close' button for the window, is done via the keyboard.

Keys and what they do:

  1. NOTES

At this time, PsyMP3 2.x is incomplete. There's very little UI code, and most features are missing at this time. If you are a developer, and are interested in helping me, please email me above.

If you are an end user and you don't like this program, feel free to use something else, and check back later for improvements

Unicode ID3 tags are supported. Please replace the included 'vera.ttf' with a different font file containing the Unicode glpyhs you desire. Advanced text layout is not supported (e.g. connected Arabic characters.)


This README was last updated on April 27th, 2024.