segment-any-text / wtpsplit

Toolkit to segment text into sentences or other semantic units in a robust, efficient and adaptable way.
MIT License
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deep-learning machine-learning natural-language-processing pretrained-models python sentence-boundary-detection sentence-segmentation sentence-segmenter


Segment any Text - Robustly, Efficiently, Adaptablyâš¡

This repository allows you to segment text into sentences or other semantic units. It implements the models from:

The namesake WtP is maintained for reproducibility. Our new followup SaT provides robust, efficient and adaptable sentence segmentation across 85 languages at higher performance and less compute cost. Check out the state-of-the-art results in 8 distinct corpora and 85 languages demonstrated in our Segment any Text paper.

System Figure


pip install wtpsplit


from wtpsplit import SaT

sat = SaT("sat-3l")
# optionally run on GPU for better performance
# also supports TPUs via e.g."xla:0"), in that case pass `pad_last_batch=True` to sat.split

# returns ["This is a test", "This is another test."]
sat.split("This is a test This is another test.")

# returns an iterator yielding a lists of sentences for every text
# do this instead of calling sat.split on every text individually for much better performance
sat.split(["This is a test This is another test.", "And some more texts..."])

# use our '-sm' models for general sentence segmentation tasks
sat_sm = SaT("sat-3l-sm")
# this will be especially better for noisy text
sat.split("this is a test this is another test")
# returns ["this is a test", "this is another test"]

# use trained lora modules for strong adaptation to language & domain/style
sat_adapted = SaT("sat-3l-sm", lang_code="en", style="ud"))
sat.split("This is a test This is another test.")

Available Models

If you need a general sentence segmentation model, use -sm models (e.g., sat-3l-sm) For speed-sensitive applications, we recommend 3-layer models (sat-3l and sat-3l-sm). They provide a great tradeoff between speed and performance. The best models are our 12-layer models: sat-12l and sat-12l-sm.

Model English Score Multilingual Score
sat-1l 88.5 84.3
sat-1l-sm 88.2 87.9
sat-3l 93.7 89.2
sat-3l-lora 96.7 94.8
sat-3l-sm 96.5 93.5
sat-6l 94.1 89.7
sat-6l-sm 96.9 95.1
sat-9l 94.3 90.3
sat-12l 94.0 90.4
sat-12l-lora 97.3 95.9
sat-12l-sm 97.4 96.0

The scores are macro-average F1 score across all available datasets for "English", and macro-average F1 score across all datasets and languages for "Multilingual". "adapted" means adapation via LoRA; check out the paper for details.

For comparison, here the English scores of some other tools:

Model English Score
PySBD 69.6
SpaCy (sentencizer; monolingual) 92.9
SpaCy (sentencizer; multilingual) 91.5
Ersatz 91.4
Punkt (nltk.sent_tokenize) 92.2
WtP (3l) 93.9

Note that this library also supports previous WtP models. You can use them in essentially the same way as SaTmodels:

from wtpsplit import WtP

wtp = WtP("wtp-bert-mini")
# similar functionality as for SaT models
wtp.split("This is a test This is another test.")

For more details on WtP and reproduction details, see the WtP doc.

Paragraph Segmentation

Since SaT are trained to predict newline probablity, they can segment text into paragraphs in addition to sentences.

# returns a list of paragraphs, each containing a list of sentences
# adjust the paragraph threshold via the `paragraph_threshold` argument.
sat.split(text, do_paragraph_segmentation=True)


SaT can be domain- and style-adapted via LoRA. We provide trained LoRA modules for Universal Dependencies, OPUS100, Ersatz, and TED (i.e., ASR-style transcribed speecjes) sentence styles in 81 languages for sat-3land sat-12l. Additionally, we provide LoRA modules for legal documents (laws and judgements) in 6 languages, code-switching in 4 language pairs, and tweets in 3 languages. For details, we refer to our paper.

We also provided verse segmentation modules for 16 genres for sat-12-no-limited-lookahead.

Load LoRA modules like this:

# requires both lang_code and style_or_domain
# for available ones, check the <model_repository>/loras folder
sat_lora = SaT("sat-3l", style_or_domain="ud", language="en")
sat_lora.split("Hello this is a test But this is different now Now the next one starts looool")
# now for a highly distinct domain
sat_lora_distinct = SaT("sat-12l", style_or_domain="code-switching", language="es-en")
sat_lora_distinct.split("in the morning over there cada vez que yo decía algo él me decía algo")

You can also freely adapt the segmentation threshold, with a higher threshold leading to more conservative segmentation:

sat.split("This is a test This is another test.", threshold=0.4)
# works similarly for lora; but thresholds are higher
sat_lora.split("Hello this is a test But this is different now Now the next one starts looool", threshold=0.7)

Advanced Usage

Get the newline or sentence boundary probabilities for a text:

# returns newline probabilities (supports batching!)

Load a SaT model in HuggingFace transformers:

# import library to register the custom models 
import wtpsplit
from transformers import AutoModelForTokenClassification

model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained("segment-any-text/sat-3l-sm") # or some other model name; see

Adapt to your own corpus via LoRA

Our models can be efficiently adapted via LoRA in a powerful way. Only 10-100 training segmented training sentences should already improve performance considerably. To do so:

Clone the repository and install requirements:

git clone
cd segment-any-text
pip install -e .
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd adapters
pip install -e .
cd ..

Create data in this format:

import torch
        "language_code": {
            "sentence": {
                "dummy-dataset": {
                    "meta": {
                        "train_data": ["train sentence 1", "train sentence 2"],
                    "data": [
                        "test sentence 1",
                        "test sentence 2",

Create/adapt config; provide base model via model_name_or_path and training data .pth via text_path:


Train LoRA:

python3 wtpsplit/train/ configs/lora/lora_dummy_config.json

Once training is done, provide your saved module's path to SaT:

sat_lora_adapted = SaT("model-used", lora_path="dummy_lora_path")
sat_lora_adapted.split("Some domains-specific or styled text")

Adjust the dataset name, language and model in the above to your needs.

Reproducing the paper

configs/ contains the configs for the runs from the paper for base and sm models as well as LoRA modules. Launch training for each of them like this:

python3 wtpsplit/train/ configs/<config_name>.json
python3 wtpsplit/train/ configs/<config_name>.json
python3 wtpsplit/train/ configs/<config_name>.json

In addition:

Ensure to install packages from requirements.txt beforehand.

Supported Languages

Table with supported languages | iso | Name | |:----|:-----------------------| | af | Afrikaans | | am | Amharic | | ar | Arabic | | az | Azerbaijani | | be | Belarusian | | bg | Bulgarian | | bn | Bengali | | ca | Catalan | | ceb | Cebuano | | cs | Czech | | cy | Welsh | | da | Danish | | de | German | | el | Greek | | en | English | | eo | Esperanto | | es | Spanish | | et | Estonian | | eu | Basque | | fa | Persian | | fi | Finnish | | fr | French | | fy | Western Frisian | | ga | Irish | | gd | Scottish Gaelic | | gl | Galician | | gu | Gujarati | | ha | Hausa | | he | Hebrew | | hi | Hindi | | hu | Hungarian | | hy | Armenian | | id | Indonesian | | ig | Igbo | | is | Icelandic | | it | Italian | | ja | Japanese | | jv | Javanese | | ka | Georgian | | kk | Kazakh | | km | Central Khmer | | kn | Kannada | | ko | Korean | | ku | Kurdish | | ky | Kirghiz | | la | Latin | | lt | Lithuanian | | lv | Latvian | | mg | Malagasy | | mk | Macedonian | | ml | Malayalam | | mn | Mongolian | | mr | Marathi | | ms | Malay | | mt | Maltese | | my | Burmese | | ne | Nepali | | nl | Dutch | | no | Norwegian | | pa | Panjabi | | pl | Polish | | ps | Pushto | | pt | Portuguese | | ro | Romanian | | ru | Russian | | si | Sinhala | | sk | Slovak | | sl | Slovenian | | sq | Albanian | | sr | Serbian | | sv | Swedish | | ta | Tamil | | te | Telugu | | tg | Tajik | | th | Thai | | tr | Turkish | | uk | Ukrainian | | ur | Urdu | | uz | Uzbek | | vi | Vietnamese | | xh | Xhosa | | yi | Yiddish | | yo | Yoruba | | zh | Chinese | | zu | Zulu |

For details, please see our Segment any Text paper.


For the SaT models, please kindly cite our paper:

    title={Segment Any Text: A Universal Approach for Robust, Efficient and Adaptable Sentence Segmentation},
    author={Frohmann, Markus and Sterner, Igor and Vuli{\'c}, Ivan and Minixhofer, Benjamin and Schedl, Markus},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.16678},

For the library and the WtP models, please cite:

    title = "Where{'}s the Point? Self-Supervised Multilingual Punctuation-Agnostic Sentence Segmentation",
    author = "Minixhofer, Benjamin  and
      Pfeiffer, Jonas  and
      Vuli{\'c}, Ivan",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)",
    month = jul,
    year = "2023",
    address = "Toronto, Canada",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "7215--7235"


This research was funded in whole or in part by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): P36413, P33526, and DFH-23, and by the State of Upper Austria and the Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research, through grants LIT-2021-YOU-215. In addition, Ivan Vulic and Benjamin Minixhofer have been supported through the Royal Society University Research Fellowship ‘Inclusive and Sustainable Language Technology for a Truly Multilingual World’ (no 221137) awarded to Ivan Vulić. This research has also been supported with Cloud TPUs from Google’s TPU Research Cloud (TRC). This work was also supported by compute credits from a Cohere For AI Research Grant, these grants are designed to support academic partners conducting research with the goal of releasing scientific artifacts and data for good projects. We also thank Simone Teufel for fruitful discussions.

For any questions, please create an issue or send an email to, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.