segmentio / ksuid

K-Sortable Globally Unique IDs
MIT License
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Is it possible to generate KSUID from SQL? #43

Closed derkan closed 3 years ago

derkan commented 4 years ago

Hi, To set DEFAULT value for an PK of table, I wonder if has anyone tried to generate a valid ksuid value by using SQL.

For example for UUIDv4, we can generate default value if uuid-ossp extension is not installed for PostrgreSQL as:

   id VARCHAR(36) DEFAULT md5(random()::text || clock_timestamp()::text)::uuid  NOT NULL,

Of course it'll be better to generate from application but, I it makes simpler to add default value for manual interactions with tables.

Has anyone tried to develop an SQL function to geneate ksuid?

daleobrien commented 3 years ago

It's certainly possible, here's what I have done

derkan commented 3 years ago

thank you, now the missing part is found! 👏