segmentio / ksuid

K-Sortable Globally Unique IDs
MIT License
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Support for gin query param unmarshaling? #82

Open APILLSBURY opened 1 month ago

APILLSBURY commented 1 month ago

Gin just added a new interface called BindUnmarshaler that allows types to define a UnmarshalParam method which lets them be used as query parameters.

Implementing this would allow binding KSUID API query params like this:

type queryParams struct {
  ID KSUID `form:"id"`

route.GET("/test", func(ctx *gin.Context) {
  var params queryParams{}
  _ = ctx.BindQuery(&params)
 entity, err := GetEntity(params.ID)

I think all that is necessary is adding this method:

func (i *KSUID) UnmarshalParam(s string) error {
    return i.UnmarshalText([]byte(s))

I'm happy to open a PR for it if that would be helpful.

APILLSBURY commented 1 month ago

Alternatively, adding an UnmarshalJSON method would solve this