seguijoaquin / taller2-sharedserver

MIT License
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Taller II - Shared Server


How to install dependencies and tecnologies required for deploy here


App connected to this repository. Automatically deploys from master. Every push to master will deploy a new version of this app, deploys happen automatically

Link repository to heroku app:

$ git remote add heroku

$ heroku git:remote -a t2shared

To open the app:

$ heroku open

Run the server locally

First, install all the dependencies locally $ npm install

Then run $ node ./bin/www

The server should be running on https://localhost:5000

Run the server locally with heroku

Once heroku is installed and the repository linked to the heroku app, run:

$ heroku local web

The server should be running on https://localhost:5000

Web Client

The web client runs on

The web client user manual can be found here


To download a specific remote branch and set to track it

$ git checkout -t origin/branch-name


Information about database configuration and structure here