seihan / feetback

A sensory prosthesis for the feet
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:feet::back: An embedded sensor sole project.


Creating a new sense of balance by applying a live feedback of pressure sensors under the feet to alternative parts of the human body.


We use microcontroller platforms, pressure sensitive textiles, small vibrating motors, wireless communication, and a lot of creativity. Prototypes are all based on the Arduino platform and breakout boards.

The project implements interaction between two basic components:

Different kinds of generators (sensors) and consumers (actuators) can be combined using a common protocol. The value stream can be captured, intercepted, filtered, enhanced, augmented, visualized, or relayed using a smartphone or dedicated hardware to create arbitrary audio-visual feedback for therapeutic use cases or performance art.


In the first prototype the sensors and actuators communicate via serial link. A wireless link is provided over a Bluetooth LE serial connection. At first the connection is unidirectional from sensors to actuators. The sensors send a continuous stream of values. There is currently no need for a more sophisticated approach and this simplifies prototyping a lot.


The sensor value stream is sectioned off in packets. A packet has a header, followed by the raw uint16_t data values. The header consists of a magic value + a length field. Consumers (loggers/actuators) can scan the serial input for the magic value to synchronize on data start.

Magic Value #values value 1 ... value n
uint8_t uint8_t uint8_t uint16_t ... uint16_t

The length of a single packet is therefore 3 + (2 * #values) bytes.

Bandwidth and Latency

The serial interface is usually limited to 115200 baud (bits per second) on fast interfaces. On lower end platforms this might be limited to 9600 baud. Assuming 64 values in a packet (131 bytes per packet), this translates to ~109 packets per second on a fast or ~9 packets per second on a slow serial connection. Accordingly we expect a best case packet latency of ~10ms (fast) / ~110ms (slow). This ignores all other overhead and marks expected lower bounds due to the communication interface.

Pressure Sensitive Soles


Board: Adafruit Bluefruit nRF52 Feather central / peripheral bluetooth low energy (ble)

Input: 64 points of pressure sensitivity (10 bit ADC)


See the sensor_board/sensor_board.ino Arduino project.

Vibrating Actuator Wristband



See the actuator_board/actuator_board.ino Arduino project.

Serial Interface

Thanks to the simple serial communication, we can use commodity hardware and very basic software to generate or consume the data streams.