seiyable / vue-simple-svg

A simple Vue.js plugin that allows you to load a SVG image as an inline SVG with an access to change its fill colors
MIT License
80 stars 23 forks source link

vue-simple-svg (V2)

A simple Vue.js plugin that allows you to use a component that dynamically loads a .svg file as an inline SVG so you can easily control its style programmatically. No jQuery required.

I recommend using vue-svg-loader for many cases when you just need to load a SVG file as a component. This plugin is built to cover some other cases the library doesn't fit, which are:


$ npm install vue-simple-svg


  1. initialize in your main file,
    // as a plugin
    import VueSimpleSVG from 'vue-simple-svg'

// or as a component import {SimpleSVG} from 'vue-simple-svg' Vue.component('simple-svg', SimpleSVG)

2. specify which elements in the SVG will be manipulated their fill and stroke colors by setting dedicated class names to them
<svg xmlns="">
    <path class="fill-to-change" d="XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX" />
    <path class="stroke-to-change" d="XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX" />
  1. and use it in your component,

Available props and events:

props type description default
src string path to your SVG file *required
fillClassName string class name set to the elements in your SVG file whose fill color you want to change ''
fill string CSS-valid fill color value ''
strokeClassName string class name set to the elements in your SVG file whose stroke color you want to change ''
stroke string CSS-valid stroke color value ''
width string root SVG element's style width 'auto'
height string root SVG element's style height 'auto'
customId string root SVG element's id ''
customClassName string root SVG element's class ''
events description
@load called when the inline SVG is generated




To run demo in your local environment,

$ npm run dev-demo

You can see the example of how to use simple-svg component at demo/components/SvgButton.vue
