selftaughtprogrammers / FAQ

A Repo made for Answering Common Questions!
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Self Taught Programmers FAQ!

This is a repo filled with the groups most Frequently Asked Questions!

So, without further a-do, let's get started!

General Questions:

  1. What should I start with?
    • The sky is the limit with this one! You have the ability to choose any language you want to start! The general recommendation is to start with Python or Javascript, but you can choose any language you choose to start, as most programming languages teach the same basic concepts!
  2. "Is language x better than language y?"
    • While there are very a many difference between languages, please bear in mind that every language was built with a different purpose in mind. Thus, comparing say Javascript to C, for example, is kind of pointless, as C is made for interacting with computer hardware, and Javascript was made for the browser.
  3. What text editor/IDE should I use?
    • This would depend on how you would like to work. Do you like customizability and simplicity, and try to compile stuff on the command line? You can use something like Sublime or Visual Studio Code. Like for your tool to help you with the compiling and code editing as well? Try out something like Code Blocks or fully-featured Visual Studio. Want to focus on a specific language (like Java, for instance)? Something like the many variations of Eclipse, or maybe NetBeans. Really, the choice is up to you, and the amount of tools out there is virtually endless.
  4. What is Version Control and should I use it?
    • Version Control is a method of "backing up" your files in such a way that you can go back to a previous change, and it will allow you to recover to a previous state if you happen to make an unwanted change or lose your work. The recommendation is to look at tools like Git, which is one of the most used tools in the industry currently. As for should you use it, the answer is more often than not yes. And why? Because tools like Git allows you to save any changes you have made to the project you are working on, and recover if things go bad (i.e accidentally deleted files, corrupted files, etc).
  5. Is getting a degree worth it?
    • While it is true that you can break into the industry without a degree and only your work and merits, a degree is still a good thing to have. This is because it opens up more doors further along the line when you have more experience.
  6. What should I do to get hired?
    • The most effective way to get hired is by working on projects. Whether that is working on a project you've created or working on an open-source project from Github, having some experience with actually writing code and building something is important. Knowing your way around an IDE, being able to use the command line, and knowing how to use any other tools of the trade are also important factors for some employers. So long as you have shown that you know how to build apps/programs and know your way around them (i.e. via your Github profile page), you have a pretty high shot at being considered as a potential hire.
  7. What is the best kind of laptop for programming?
    • Really, anything that has above 4 GB of memory and has enough storage for your tools (and that can vary for different projects), then its a good laptop for programming.
  8. What are some good online resources?
    • Sites like Treehouse and CodeAcademy are great resources for when you want to do some quick on your own activities. You can also look for free courses on sites like Udemy, edX, and Coursera, to name a few.
  9. Are Bootcamps worth it?
    • This question really depends on how you take bootcamps. If you feel like you wouldn't learn ANYTHING from working in a controlled setting and being taught only how to code, then maybe it's not worth it for you. Likewise, if you see bootcamps as an effective tool for learning and feel that it would help you stay focused and learn, then maybe it would be a good idea to at least consider signing up for one. A list of some really good bootcamps can be found here.
  10. How do I know I'm ready for a junior development role
    • This is something that can be a little more personal for you. Generally though, you should feel like you are able to make something basic on your own, like a Tic-Tac-Toe game for example. This will help you become more confident and willing to try new technologies, coding techniques. You are ready only when you feel like you can create something on your own, even if it's small.
  11. What kind of freelancing opportunities are there?
    • Generally, you want to make sure that whatever you want to do, you know how to do it well. You want to build apps for people? You may want to know things like Android and iOS development really well. You want to build a portfolio or e-commerce website? Make sure you know how to handle both the front and back-end web dev technologies. As for places to find jobs, you can find them at sites like Freelancer and Upwork, to name just a few.