selfup / exdaas

RESTful Elixir Database as a Service! Fault Tolerant, Self Sharding, Self Caching, Single Table, Persistent Key Value Store :tada:
MIT License
9 stars 1 forks source link

Centralize diskio #9

Closed selfup closed 6 years ago

selfup commented 6 years ago

Centralize DiskIO

This will enable a user to set a DETS_ROOT. Otherwise it defaults to ./peristance_dir

This can be a remote mount (unclear on performance as of yet), a shared volume with docker, and/or just a central location for the DB to write (and read on boot) from.

Can help with backing up chores, mitigating recovery, and load balanciing apps on a single node if there is backpressure on the individual phoenix applications.

Refactor Scripts

Just needed to be done :joy:

Add Dev Instructions to README

For anyone wanting to get invloved, or just spin up locally and test it out