Elixir Database as a Service
Serialized - fault tolerant - self caching - self sharding - NoSQL DB :rocket:
Provides a RESTful API that can handle concurrent requests (Phoenix) but serializes all writes to disk.
All serialized writes can be split up by amount of shards.
Default shard size is 4. Any other wanted size can be set via SHARD_LIMIT
(Any number above 0).
DiskIO is delegated via DETS and all cache is handled using ETS.
If the entire app fails, the data is loaded form disk into cache, and performance is back to normal.
Example supervision tree of a default shard size (4):
Suprisingly performant :smile:
On first boot:
Essentially the bootstrapping script :rocket:
Called test, because it ensures that your dev enviornment is ready to roll, and it runs tests :smile:
Heroku will not keep the `dets*` files on reboot/rebuild since it is not in git history_
Make sure the container builds (heroku will rebuild it anyways but just be sure it works)!
heroku login
heroku container:login
Now: APP_NAME=<app_name> ./scripts/heroku.sh
Make sure you have Docker and docker-compose! Make sure you have your ssh key as an authorized key for your target node!
scp -r ./exdaas.tar.gz user@<target_ip>:/home/user
ssh user@<target_ip>
tar -xzf exdaas.tar.gz
mkdir -p $DETS_ROOT
Run the server:
a. As a Daemon: `DETS_ROOT=<dets_root> PORT=<port> ./bin/exdaas start`
b. In the foreground: `DETS_ROOT=<dets_root> PORT=<port> ./bin/exdaas foreground`
c. In interactive mode: `DETS_ROOT=<dets_root> PORT=<port> ./bin/exdaas console`
You may pass DETS_ROOT
DETS_ROOT=/home/user/my_persistance_dir ./scripts/archive.tar.sh
~13k req/s in an Alpine Docker Container running on Ubuntu 17.10 in production mode on a 2 Core Intel i7 from 2013
CPU Info
Model name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4558U CPU @ 2.80GHz
CPU(s): 4
On-line CPU(s) list: 0-3
Thread(s) per core: 2
Core(s) per socket: 2
Socket(s): 1
You will need two tabs/panes/shell for this:
Attaching to exdaas_prod_1
Run the bench suite in a different shell/pane/tab: ./scripts/bench.sh
a. To keep changes in git HEAD pass the `-c` flag
b. Ex: `./scripts/bench.sh -c`
c. Otherwise the `.results.log` file will be checked out
Default sharding is set to 4
If you want to increase the shard size
_You may set SHARD_LIMIT
to any positive number over 0_
SHARD_LIMIT=16 ./scripts/console.bench.sh
Remember this is synchronous and using a stream or a parallel map can be more realistic
alias ExDaas.Ets.Table, as: EtsTable
data = %{color: "blue"}
# if you changed SHARD_LIMIT
# ex: SHARD_LIMIT=24
# change 0..3 to 0..23 (or limit - 1)
ets_tables = 0..3 |> Enum.map(fn i -> :"ets_table_#{i}" end)
# this will be cold cache
0..20_000 |> Enum.each(fn i ->
table_id = rem(i, length(ets_tables))
EtsTable.fetch(i, data, Enum.at(ets_tables, table_id))
# this will be warm cache
0..20_000 |> Enum.each(fn i ->
table_id = rem(i, length(ets_tables))
EtsTable.fetch(i, data, Enum.at(ets_tables, table_id))
Exit the shell and rm dets_*
file in root of project