selkamand / sigshared

A collection of utility functions used by many R packages in the sigverse
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experimental CRAN
status R-CMD-check

sigshared contains general utilities used in many other R packages in the sigverse

Unless you’re developing / maintaining a sigverse package, there is probably very little reason to ever download this package explicitly. We reccomend just installing the full sigverse as described here


You can install the development version of sigshared from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Sigverse Data Types

Data Structure Requirements

The profile of a mutational signature

data.frames with 3 columns

  1. channel
  2. type
  3. fraction
Signature Collections Lists of signature data.frames, where name of list entry is the name of the signature
Signature Annotations

Signature level annotations. data.frames with 4 required columns:

  1. signature
  2. aetiology
  3. class
  4. subclass

class and subclass of aetiology do not need to conform to any specific ontology. However, we include the data-dictionary used by sigstash collections below (see Signature Aetiology Classes)


The mutational profile of a sample, described by tallying mutations belonging to each mutational channel. Catalogues are not always observational. They can also be simulated from signature models. data.frames with 4 required columns:

  1. channel

  2. type

  3. fraction

  4. count

Catalogue Collections Lists of catalogue data.frames (1 per sample) where name represents a sample identifier.
Cohort Signature Analysis Results

data.frame with 4 columns:

  1. sample

  2. signature

  3. contribution_absolute

  4. contribution

  5. p_value (see `?sigstats::sig_com p



data.frame with 1 row per signature per bootstrap

  1. bootstrap
  2. signature
  3. contribution_absolute
  4. contribution (percentage)
Model Specification Named numeric vector where names represent signatures and values represent their proportional contribution to the model.


You can assert an object belongs to each of data types


# Generate Example Datatypes

# Signatures
signature = example_signature()
signature_collection = example_signature_collection()
signature_annotations = example_annotations()

# Catalogues
catalogue = example_catalogue()
catalogue_collection = example_catalogue_collection()

# Cohort Analysis Results
cohort_analysis = example_cohort_analysis()

# Model
model = example_model()

# Assert Signatures

# Assert catalogues

# Assert Analyses

# Assert Model
assert_model(model, signature_collection,arg_name = "bob")

Signature Aetiology Classes

class subclass
artefact 8-oxo-guanine
artefact sequencing_artefact
artefact germline_contamination
artefact oversegmentation
clock-like clock-like
dysfunctional_dna_repair MMR
dysfunctional_dna_repair HR
dysfunctional_dna_repair NER
dysfunctional_dna_repair BER
dysfunctional_dna_repair NHEJ
dysfunctional_dna_replication proofreading
dysfunctional_dna_replication polymerase_mutations
treatment_associated chemotherapy_platinum
treatment_associated chemotherapy_thiopurine
treatment_associated chemotherapy_pyrimidine_antagonists
treatment_associated chemotherapy_unknown
treatment_associated chemotherapy_nitrogen_mustards
treatment_associated triazenes
treatment_associated immunosuppression
environmental_mutagens tobacco
environmental_mutagens haloalkanes
environmental_mutagens UV
environmental_mutagens aristolochic_acid
plants_and_microbes aflatoxin
plants_and_microbes colibactin
adenosine_deamination adenosine_deaminases
cytosine_deamination cytidine_deaminases
cytosine_deamination cytosine_deamination
immune ROS
dysfunctional_epigenetics topology
chromosomal chromosomal_losses
chromosomal chromosomal_instability
chromosomal chromothripsis
ploidy diploid
ploidy tetraploid
unknown unknown

For Developers

Argument Naming


catalogue: The mutational profile of a sample, described by tallying mutations belonging to each mutational channel. Catalogues are not always observational. They can also be simulated from signature models. Must be a sigverse-style data.frame (contain colums: channel, type, fraction, count). See \href{}{sigshared readme} for details.


signature: The profile of a mutational signature. Must be a data.frame (with columns: type, channel & fraction). See \href{}{sigshared readme} for details.

Signature collection

signatures:     A sigverse signature collection. A named list of sigstash signature data.frames. See \href{}{sigshared readme} for details.

Catalogue collection

catalogues: A sigverse-style catalogue collection. A named list of sigstash catalogue data.frames. See \href{}{sigshared readme} for details.

Cohort Signature Analysis Results

cohort: A sigverse-style data.frame describing the contributions of signatures in each sample (must contain columns: sample, signature contribution_absolute, contribution). See \href{}{sigshared readme} for details.

Signature Model Specification

model: A named numeric vector where names represent signatures and values represent their proportional contribution to the model. See \href{}{sigshared readme} for details.

Example Data

For each data structure used by the sigverse we include a toy example.

#>   signature                       aetiology               class
#> 1      sig1          A clock like signature          clock-like
#> 2      sig2 An AID/APOBEC related signature cytidine deaminases
#>              subclass
#> 1          clock-like
#> 2 cytidine deaminases
#>   bootstrap  signature contribution_absolute contribution
#> 1         1 Signature1                   300         0.30
#> 2         1 Signature2                   690         0.69
#> 3         1 Signature3                    10         0.01
#> 4         2 Signature1                   440         0.44
#> 5         2 Signature2                   500         0.50
#> 6         2 Signature3                    60         0.06

#>    channel type count  fraction
#> 1 A[A->G]G  A>G     5 0.1851852
#> 2 A[A->G]C  A>G    10 0.3703704
#> 3 A[A->G]T  A>G    12 0.4444444
#> $decomp1
#>    channel type count  fraction
#> 1 A[A->G]G  A>G     5 0.1851852
#> 2 A[A->G]C  A>G    10 0.3703704
#> 3 A[A->G]T  A>G    12 0.4444444
#> $decomp2
#>    channel type count  fraction
#> 1 A[A->G]G  A>G     5 0.1851852
#> 2 A[A->G]C  A>G    10 0.3703704
#> 3 A[A->G]T  A>G    12 0.4444444
#> $decomp3
#>    channel type count  fraction
#> 1 A[A->G]G  A>G     5 0.1851852
#> 2 A[A->G]C  A>G    10 0.3703704
#> 3 A[A->G]T  A>G    12 0.4444444

#>    channel type fraction
#> 1 A[A->G]G  A>G      0.4
#> 2 A[A->G]C  A>G      0.1
#> 3 A[A->G]T  A>G      0.5
#> $sig1
#>    channel type fraction
#> 1 A[A->G]G  A>G      0.4
#> 2 A[A->G]C  A>G      0.1
#> 3 A[A->G]T  A>G      0.5
#> $sig2
#>    channel type fraction
#> 1 A[A->G]G  A>G      0.4
#> 2 A[A->G]C  A>G      0.1
#> 3 A[A->G]T  A>G      0.5

#>    sample signature contribution_absolute contribution p_value
#> 1 sample1      sig1                     3          0.3    0.05
#> 2 sample1      sig2                     7          0.7    0.10
#> 3 sample2      sig1                    40          0.4    0.20
#> 4 sample2      sig2                    60          0.6    0.15

We also include examples from real SBS mutational signature analysis of the colo829 melanoma cell line

#>   channel type     fraction count
#> 1 A[C>A]A  C>A 0.0035802073   134
#> 2 A[C>A]C  C>A 0.0016565138    62
#> 3 A[C>A]G  C>A 0.0004542054    17
#> 4 A[C>A]T  C>A 0.0015229240    57
#> 5 A[C>G]A  C>G 0.0016565138    62
#> 6 A[C>G]C  C>G 0.0011488725    43
#>   signature bootstrap contribution_absolute contribution
#> 1      SBS1     Rep_1                0.0000  0.000000000
#> 2      SBS2     Rep_1              271.9152  0.007265021
#> 3      SBS3     Rep_1                0.0000  0.000000000
#> 4      SBS4     Rep_1                0.0000  0.000000000
#> 5      SBS5     Rep_1                0.0000  0.000000000
#> 6      SBS6     Rep_1                0.0000  0.000000000

Other Utility Functions

sigverse dependencies are kept minimal. To mitigate the cost to readability, sigshared includes some baseR implementations of common data.frame manipulation functions and other utilities.

# Setup data
mtcars <- mtcars[1:5,1:5]

# Rename a dataframe
brename(mtcars, c(miles_per_gallon = "mpg"))
#>                   miles_per_gallon cyl disp  hp drat
#> Mazda RX4                     21.0   6  160 110 3.90
#> Mazda RX4 Wag                 21.0   6  160 110 3.90
#> Datsun 710                    22.8   4  108  93 3.85
#> Hornet 4 Drive                21.4   6  258 110 3.08
#> Hornet Sportabout             18.7   8  360 175 3.15

# Select a subset of columns
bselect(mtcars, c("mpg"))
#>                    mpg
#> Mazda RX4         21.0
#> Mazda RX4 Wag     21.0
#> Datsun 710        22.8
#> Hornet 4 Drive    21.4
#> Hornet Sportabout 18.7

# Evaluate code with a specific random seed
with_seed(seed = 123, { runif(1) })
#> [1] 0.2875775