sellibitze / secretshare

Implementation of Shamir's secret sharing in Rust
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This program is an implementation of Shamir's secret sharing. A secret can be split into N shares in a way so that a selectable number of shares K (with K ≤ N) is required to reconstruct the secret again.

Warning: I don't yet recommend the serious use of this tool. The encoding of the shares might change in a newer version in which case you would have trouble decoding secrets that have been shared using an older version of the program. For now, this is experimental.


Passing a secret to secretshare for encoding:

$ echo My secret | ./secretshare -e2,5

The parameters following the -e option tell secretshare to create 5 shares of which 2 will be necessary for decoding.

Decoding a subset of shares (one share per line) can be done like this:

$ echo -e "2-2-YJZQDGm22Y77Gw-IhSh \n 2-4-F7rAjX3UOa53KA-b2vm" | ./secretshare -d
My secret


This project is Cargo-enabled. So, you should be able to build it with

$ cargo build --release

once you have made sure that rustc (the compiler) and cargo (the build and dependency management tool) are installed. Visit the Rust homepage if you are don't know where to get these tools.


The secret data does not have to be text. secretshare treats it as binary data. But, of course, you can feed it text as well. In the above example the echo command terminated the string with a line feed which is actually part of the secret and output as well after decoding. Note that, while secretshare supports secrets of up to 64 KiB it makes little sense to use such large secrets directly. In situations where you want to share larger secrets, you would usually pick a random password for encryption and use that password as secret for secretshare.

The generated shares are lines of ASCII text.

Structure of the shares

  ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^
  K N        D        C

A share is built out of three or four parts separated with a minus: K-N-D-C. The last part is optional. K is one of the encoding parameters that tell you how many distinct shares of a specific secret are necessary to be able to recover the secret. The number N identifies the share (ranging from 1 to the number of shares that have been created). The D part is a Base64 encoding of a specific share's raw data. The optional part C is a Base64 encoding of a CRC-24 checksum of the concatenation of K and N as bytes followed by the share's raw data (before Base64 encoding). The same checksum algorithm is used in the OpenPGP format for “ASCII amoring”.

A word on the secrecy

Shamir's secret sharing is known to have the perfect secrecy property. In the context of (K,N)-threshold schemes this means that if you have less than K shares available, you have absolutely no information about what the secret is except for its length. The checksums that are included in the shares also don't reveal anything about the secret. They are just a simple integrity protection of the shares themselves. In other words, given a share without checksum, we can derive a share with a checksum. This obviously does not add any new information.

Galois field

Shamir's secret sharing algorithm requires the use of polynomials over a finite field. One easy way of constructing a finite field is to pick a prime number p, use the integers 0, 1, 2, ..., p-1 as field elements and simply use modular arithmetic (mod p) for the field operations.

So, you could pick a prime like 257 to apply Shamir's algorithm byte-wise. The downside of this is that the shares would consist of sequences of values each between 0 and 256 inclusive. So, you would need more than 8 bits to encode each of them.

But there is another way. We are not restricted to so-called prime fields. There are also non-prime fields where the number of elements is a power of a prime, for example 2^8=256. It's just a bit harder to explain how they are constructed. The finite field I used is the same as the one you can find in the RAID 6 implementation of the Linux kernel or the Anubis block cipher: Gf(2^8) reduction polynomial is x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + 1 or alternatively 11D in hex.