This repo contains three major applications,
* What does "TriNetX-LITE" mean? It basically means the resulting data is very close to but not exactly TriNetX CDM.
Below is a description of each app.
This app transforms the MSDW EHR data into a TriNetX-like common data model.
The SQL queries used for data transformation is under the sql folder. You can further modify the queries if you think the logic can be improved. But generally you should not run the SQL queries manually for production. Instead, call the main function in MSDW2TriNetX_LITE_APP
, which will run the queries in the sequence defined in MSDW2TriNetXLiteCmd
This app transforms the now deprecated DMSDW EHR data into a TriNetX-like common data model. It was developed before pd-msdw-cmd-app, and the latter was actually adapted from it (therefore they are nearly identical, except some customizations for ETL SQL queries).
This app is an implementation of the LOINC2HPO algorithm. MSDW EHR data has to be converted into TriNetX with pd-msdw-cmd-app
first before you can use this app. It currently only supports MSDW but can be extended to DMSDW if necessary.
Implementation of LOINC2HPO can be roughly divided into two steps:
Step 1, convert lab results from local code to LOINC;
Step 2, convert LOINC-coded lab results into HPO with the published LOINC2HPO algorithm (paper link). The linked paper will point to you where to find the loinc2hpoAnnotation file (it is also cached under the resource directory for convenience), and how the algorithm works.
For Step 1, one can find the mapping file from local test code to LOINC under the resource folder. The same folder also contains other resources, e.g. HPO list, HPO pairs etc, that are required for implementing this algorithm. These resource files are uploaded to the Redshift cluster by the UploadMappingFile class.
For Step 2, one can find the ETL queries under the resource/sql folder. You should let the app run the queries for you instead of running them manually. The app uses the Loinc2HpoCmd class to run the queries.
Option 1, you can always use an IDE (IntelliJ IDEA) to run them, especially if you are also developing them.
Option 2, package the code into jar files and run them from the terminal.
Regardless of which option you choose, you will need to provide database credentials to DSCA with the following environment variables:
Refer to the
files under the resource directory of each app to find default values, for example,
Here is a step-by-step process for Option 2:
Package jar files. Within this code directory, run
# you need to have maven installed, refer to
mvn package
This will create jar files (starting with "original") in the target folder under each application folder.
Create a docker image to run the apps. The base image is bundled with a Java 11 JRE. Skip Step 2 and 3 if you want to run the jar files directly on your laptop (you need a Java 11 runtime or higher).
docker build --tag msdw2trinetx:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT .
The resulting image has all three jar files under the /s4-msdw2trinetx
Note: There are precompiled packages available. You can skip Steps 1 and 2 by directly pulling from Sema4 JFrog if you have access.
docker pull
Or you can skip Step 1 by downloading the release files directly from the release folder.
Start a docker container.
# start your docker and in your terminal
docker run -it msdw2trinetx:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
# within the docker container
# you may run the ls command to list the jar files: you should see three jar files
Run the jar file for pd-msdw-cmd-app
to convert MSDW EHR into a TriNetX CDM.
# run any jar file and it will produce a help message
java -jar original-pd-msdw-cmd-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Hopefully you see outputs like below:
root@b2aaa2b19a92:/s4-msdw2trinetx# java -jar original-pd-msdw-cmd-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
. ____ _ __ _ _
/\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \
( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
\\/ ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| | ) ) ) )
' |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
:: Spring Boot :: (v2.1.4.RELEASE)
2022-04-20 13:32:00.216 INFO 8 --- [ main] c.d.p.sema4.msdw.MSDW2TriNetX_LITE_APP : Starting MSDW2TriNetX_LITE_APP v0.0.1-SNAPSHOT on b2aaa2b19a92 with PID 8 (/s4-msdw2trinetx/original-pd-msdw-cmd-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar started by root in /s4-msdw2trinetx)
2022-04-20 13:32:00.219 INFO 8 --- [ main] c.d.p.sema4.msdw.MSDW2TriNetX_LITE_APP : The following profiles are active: prod
2022-04-20 13:32:01.196 INFO 8 --- [ main] c.d.p.sema4.msdw.MSDW2TriNetX_LITE_APP : Started MSDW2TriNetX_LITE_APP in 1.418 seconds (JVM running for 1.821)
Start Sema4MSDW2TriNetX-Lite CliRunner...
Usage: <main class> [command] [command options]
msdw2trinetx Transform MSDW into a model similar to TriNetX
Usage: msdw2trinetx
To actually run the command, run below after replacing the variables with your information (remember to remove curly brackets)
java -jar original-pd-msdw-cmd-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar msdw2trinetx \
If you are running it from your local computer, you probably have to set up port forwarding first (refer to the documentation here). If you are running it within docker, your host should be "host.docker.internal" instead of "localhost". usr
and password
are your database credentials.
It should take a while (more than half an hour) for it to complete. When it is done you should get MSDW EHR in the TriNetX format.
After completing Step 4, run the jar file for pd-loinc2hpo-app
for LOINC2HPO transformation.
java -jar original-pd-loinc2hpo-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
You should get the usage information in your terminal like below. There are many commands, but you only need to run uploadMappingFile
and loinc2hpo
successively for this task.
Start Sema4Loinc2HpoCliRunner...
Usage: <main class> [command] [command options]
termMap Generate HPO term map file
Usage: termMap [options]
* --hpo
-o, --output
filepath for results
isAPairs Generate HPO term pairs with an is_a relationship
Usage: isAPairs [options]
* --hpo
-o, --output
filepath for results
uploadMappingFile Upload mapping files to DMSDW for analysis
Usage: uploadMappingFile [options]
specify abnormal flag mapping
specify biome sample-mrn map
running in debug mode
Default: false
HPO is_a pairs, along with their distance as a flat file
HPO term list as a flat file
specify the mapping file from local code to LOINC
specify the mapping file from LOINC to HPO
specify race map
specify rxnorm map
explicitly specify the schema
inferHpo Infer ancestor HPO terms
Usage: inferHpo [options]
* --hpo
-i, --input
lab result, must have loinc, interpretation
-o, --output
filepath for results
column separator
Default: ,(?=(?:[^"]*"[^"]*")*[^"]*$)
loincTestablePhenotypes Create a table to indicate which phenotypes
can be tested from each LOINC
Usage: loincTestablePhenotypes
loinc2hpo Transform lab tests into HPO terms
Usage: loinc2hpo [options]
* --schema
The following shows how to run uploadMappingFile
(note it is not a valid bash command due to line breaks and comments; all required files are contained in the resource directory except for race
java -jar original-pd-loinc2hpo-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
# you may specify a schema that you have write access to
{PATH TO}/loinc2hpoAnnotations_v2.0.tsv
{PATH TO}/hp_term_list.csv
{PATH TO}/hp_is_a_pairs.csv
# download race mapping from here
# the race mapping works for both dmsdw and msdw
{PATH TO}/dmsdw_race_map.csv
{PATH TO}/loinc_mapping_v3.0_msdw.csv
{PATH TO}/lab_scc_abnormal_flag_normalization.csv
The following shows how to run loinc2hpo
java -jar original-pd-loinc2hpo-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar loinc2hpo --schema MSDW