semgr8ns / semgr8s

Semgrep-based Policy Controller for Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
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admission-webhook kubernetes policy-controller python semgrep
Semgr8s logo

Semgrep-based Policy controller for Kubernetes.

Admission controller to use your well-known publicly available or custom Semgrep rules to validate k8s resources before deployment to the cluster.

:hammer_and_wrench: developed by Semgr8s logo

:zap: powered by Semgr8s logo

:warning: Semgr8s is in a proof-of-concept state. Do not use in production. Breaking changes, service interruptions, and development flow adjustments are expected.

:point_right: More? Read the docs.

Getting started

Getting started to validate Kubernetes resources against Semgrep rules is only a matter of minutes:


Get Code

Installation files are contained within this repository:

git clone
cd semgr8s

Configuration & Installation

Semgr8s comes preconfigured with some basic rules. However, configuration can be adjusted to your needs:

To deploy the preconfigured admission controller simply run:

helm install semgr8s charts/semgr8s --create-namespace --namespace semgr8ns
output ```bash NAME: semgr8s LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Apr 25 00:16:04 2023 NAMESPACE: semgr8ns STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None NOTES: Successfully installed semgr8s! ```

You can check successful deployment of Semgr8s via:

kubectl get all -n semgr8ns
output ```bash NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE pod/semgr8s-665dbb8756-qhqv6 1/1 Running 0 7s NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE service/semgr8s-service ClusterIP 443/TCP 7s NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE deployment.apps/semgr8s 1/1 1 1 7s NAME DESIRED CURRENT READY AGE replicaset.apps/semgr8s-665dbb8756 1 1 1 7s ```

Once all resources are in READY state, you have successfully installed Semgr8s :rocket:


Several test resources are provided under tests/demo/. Semgr8s only validates resources in namespaces with label semgr8s/validation=enabled:

kubectl apply -f tests/demo/00_test-namespace.yaml
output ```bash namespace/test-semgr8s created ```

It denies creating pods with non-compliant configuration according to the local rules in charts/semgr8s/rules and .application.remoteRules charts/semgr8s/values.yaml:

kubectl apply -f tests/demo/40_failing-deployment.yaml
output ```bash Error from server: error when creating "tests/demo/40_failing-deployment.yaml": admission webhook "semgr8s-svc.semgr8ns.svc" denied the request: Found 1 violation(s) of the following policies: * rules.test-semgr8s-forbidden-label Error from server: error when creating "tests/demo/40_failing-deployment.yaml": admission webhook "semgr8s-svc.semgr8ns.svc" denied the request: Found 1 violation(s) of the following policies: * Error from server: error when creating "tests/demo/40_failing-deployment.yaml": admission webhook "semgr8s-svc.semgr8ns.svc" denied the request: Found 1 violation(s) of the following policies: * Error from server: error when creating "tests/demo/40_failing-deployment.yaml": admission webhook "semgr8s-svc.semgr8ns.svc" denied the request: Found 1 violation(s) of the following policies: * ```

Compliantly configured resources on the other hand are permitted to the cluster:

kubectl apply -f tests/demo/20_passing-deployment.yaml
output ```bash pod/passing-testpod-1 created ```


To remove all resources of the admission controller run:

helm uninstall semgr8s -n semgr8ns
kubectl delete ns semgr8ns
output ```bash release "semgr8s" uninstalled ```

Test resources are deleted via:

kubectl delete -f tests/demo/
output ```bash namespace "test-semgr8s" deleted pod "passing-testpod-1" deleted Error from server (NotFound): error when deleting "tests/demo/40_failing-deployment.yaml": pods "forbiddenlabel-pod" not found Error from server (NotFound): error when deleting "tests/demo/40_failing-deployment.yaml": pods "failing-testpod-1" not found Error from server (NotFound): error when deleting "tests/demo/40_failing-deployment.yaml": pods "failing-testpod-2" not found Error from server (NotFound): error when deleting "tests/demo/40_failing-deployment.yaml": pods "failing-testpod-3" not found ```

Next steps

Excited about Semgr8s? Here is some next steps: