senikm / trpx

TERSE/PROLIX: Fast and lossless diffraction data compressor
MIT License
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TERSE/PROLIX (TRPX) C++ Fast and Lossless Diffraction (cryo-EM) Data Compressor

TRPX is an efficient compression and decompression algorithm for diffraction data

*TRPX achieves at least 85% reduction in diffraction data file size while processing up to 2000 512 512 frames/s**.

It allows efficient and fast compression of integral diffraction data and other integral grey scale data (cryo-EM) into a Terse object that can be decoded by the member function Terse::prolix(iterator). The prolix(iterator) member function decompresses the data starting at the location defined by 'iterator' (which can also be a pointer). A Terse object is constructed by supplying it with uncompressed data or a stream that contains TRPX data.

TRPX workflow

How to compile and run it

git clone 

Navigate to the project directory

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

### Running compression and decompression

> Compression
``` c++

    ./terse *                   // all tiff files in this directory are compressed to trpx files 

    ./terse ˜/dir/frame*.tiff  // compresses all tiff files in the directory ~/dir that start with frame\n"

    ./terse -help              // All available options will be printed


    ./prolix *                  // all trpx files are expanded to tiff files

    ./prolix ˜/dir/frame*.trpx   // expands all trpx files in the directory ~/dir that start with frame\n"


Doxygen Docs

Fiji/ImageJ plugin for .trpx format files

For compilation, use the java version that came with Fiji, to ensure java compatibility. Also make sure the ij-1.??.jar package is included in the compilation: For example, compile with:

Applications/ -cp /Applications/

Then create the .jar files with:

Applications/ -cvf Terse_Reader.jar TRPX_Reader*.class

Then copy Terse_Reader.jar to the "plugins" directory of Fiji:

cp TRPX_Reader.jar /Applications/

Then restart Fiji, and Terse Reader is in the plugins menu.


If you use our software in your research, please cite our paper using the following BibTeX entry:

@article {Matinyan:lu5031,
    author = "Matinyan, Senik and Abrahams, Jan Pieter",
    title = "{{TERSE/PROLIX} ({TRPX}) -- a new algorithm for fast and lossless compression and decompression of diffraction and cryo-EM data}",
    journal = "Acta Crystallographica Section A",
    year = "2023",
    volume = "79",
    number = "6",
    pages = "",
    month = "Nov",
    doi = {10.1107/S205327332300760X},
    url = {},
    keywords = {compression, TERSE/PROLIX, TRPX, lossless, diffraction data, cryo-EM data, lossless data compression},

Test dataset

Explore our test dataset here.